Not at all . . . Personally I think Ferraro was right and I'm glad someone finally said it.How badly has Geraldine Ferraro hurt the Hillary campaign?
It was a shrewd move by Hillary actually. Blacks aren't going to vote for her anyway, so she might as well try to fire up the rest of the party.How badly has Geraldine Ferraro hurt the Hillary campaign?
Geraldine Ferraro is a bitter old bag that her foiled attempt at running for the white house ended in a rout, so she can't deal with the fact that Obama might win the Presidency.
Bad. She told the truth.
I think it was the last nail in the coffin for Hillary regaining any Black voters. Even if she gets the nomination, there are many Blacks who will remember all this and not vote for her in November.
Blacks make up a large percentage of democratic voters. She won't win the White House unless she can win back their support.
I don't know if she hurt the Clintons but she sure made a fool of herself.
Not much at all. This will all blow over in a week when the media finds something else to blow entirely out of proportion.
Besides, she not only made statments about Obama's minority status helping his candidacy, she said the same thing about hillary. And that is why she resigned....she pissed off Hillary.
I think it opened some eyes.
Not at all actually the Obama campaign is hurting itself, people are going to get tired of the old race card after awhile and it will turn a certain voter block against the Obama campaign, not everything related to race is racist just because someone doesn't like it.~
She hasn't.
Hillary's camp exposed Obama playing the race card when he called Ferraro a racist and Hillary had her day in public favoritism when she threw Ferraro under the bus.
The person who was hurt was Ferraro who has become a victim of her own party's policies, namely affirmative action, PC (anti first amendment) politics, and quotas.
It astounds me to see people blame Obama for ';playing the race card'; when it was one of Hillary's top fund raisers who basically said ';he's only here b/c he's black.'; People seem to forget that Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Alan Keyes have all run for President and never got the support that Obama has.
Obama didn't bring this up. Ferraro did. Yet she's trying to blame HIM for playing the race card? I'm a tad confused.
Honestly I don't think this issue hurt Hillary's campaign too much though. She's already shown that her campaign is filled with people who will lie, cheat %26amp; steal to get her the nomination. She's used shady tactics all along. Anybody who hasn't realized it by now, never will.
But it will turn many black voters off to Hillary. If she somehow happened to win the nomination, I would not vote for her. Not because I think she's a racist (I don't), but because she's proven to either be a terrible campaign manager or a very shady and conniving individual. Either way, I do not trust her to run my country.
She hasn't. Hillary has said herself she does not agree with her. By tomorrow you won't hear about Ferraro any more, old news.
Not at all. Those who were supporting the Hill still are. Ferraro spoke the truth and probably helped Hillary.
She hasn't. I think it hurts the Obama campaign considering they were the ones to point it out to the MSM. People are getting tired of the race card being played by his campaign. David Axlerod is a tool.
she helped the campaign. they put her up to it. The plan is to take the debate away from issues...where obama was beating her, and into the arena of pitting whites against blacks and women against men. they themselves have called this the kitchen sink strategy. Unfortunately, it works, at least in the short term. But I am hopeful that americans will open their eyes and see who the good guy is here and who is the bad guy.
Not at all.
The Obama campaign has been using race since day one.
Before the South Carolina primary Obama had a strong hold on 90% of the black vote.
Obama becomes the big loser. He cannot beat McCain with the Africa American vote and white liberal Democrats. Obama needs to win more states than Kerry %26amp; that's not going to happen.
The Democratic primary process of caucuses and proportional voting will result in a McCain victory. I don't like that but that is what Obama will be doing to the party!
It will take some time to see what the fall out is. Or it might just be viewed as another calculation to divide, alienate and conquer. By marginalizing him based on his color, it can be the message they hope will resonate with the lower income, non college educated older white voters that make up the '; Alabama in between'; demographic in PA.
She did not tell the truth. I want to see how you can spin the below as being ';lucky';
He was called names because of his name, because he is bi-racial. He has been smeared with false rumors and innuendos as to his patriotism and his religion. His mother had been on food stamps for short periods of time when he had been a child and raised him as a single mother, while going to Graduate school. He had to be under Secret Service Protection long before anyone else in the race, except for Hillary, because of his race. He has had death threats because of ignorance and has an article which is cited almost daily that he is going to be assassinated. If that is lucky, I would not want any part of it.
Edited to add:
Obama never called Geraldine Ferraro a racist. He just said her comments were absurd.
Hmm... Its hard to say. The Clinton campaign severed ties with her which was smart... but they seemed to take their time doing it.
I don't think that Ferraro is a racist but what she said implied that Obama supporters were naive and that Obama's candidacy was trendy whereas Clinton's campaign support was from well-thought voters. This was a stupid thing to say because it could alienate the base of Obama if he lost the nomination and Hillary won it.
If Obama's supporters see Ferraro's comments as shared by Clinton's thinking then it could do a lot of damage. This is a fragile time for the Democratic party having 2 candidates who apparently don't like each other. If their dislike of each other spill out to their supporters then it will affect voter turn-out for either of them.
Obama's response to it was excellent... he intelligently diffused the perception that Ferraro was a racist. He didn't appear like a victim but he questioned her the logic and irresponsibility of her words. I think it helped Obama more than it hurt Hillary. I think Hillary handled it okay... but time will tell if it will hurt her.
Actually... it's helped because Obama reacted very strong to Ferraro.. then when his preacher gets up and makes all of these horribly racist remarks he just tries to play it down. Makes him look like a hypocrite.
Hardly at all, if at all.
Seems to this supporter of Obama that Ferraro is NOT the same person as Clinton, and what she said is not relevant.
Not at all....that was used as a strategy to poison the minds of the ignorant white voters by driving a wedge between whites and blacks so that white s will feel obligated to over look all the Clinton deceptions and scandals and save poor Hillary from the mean ';N'; words.....Its like the white woman dating the black man.....but yells rape when she sees the KKK coming you'd have to know the ';real'; American history to understand the analogy
Friday, February 12, 2010
Is Rudy Giuliani making a mistake by waiting until the Florida primary to get his campaign going?
It's only a mistake if it doesn't work, but he's a major contender. If he gets New York, Florida, and all the other big states he could wrap up the nod in the open republican party. It's risky, but that might be what it takes to win the nod.Is Rudy Giuliani making a mistake by waiting until the Florida primary to get his campaign going?
Florida is a key state.. All of the Illegal Immigration rhetoric at the debates isnt flying so well with Latino and Puerto Rican voters there. I guess he better show his true liberal colors or he can forget it!Is Rudy Giuliani making a mistake by waiting until the Florida primary to get his campaign going?
I really think so because he hasn't been much of a candidate whose name has even been a buzz except at the republican debates.
Sure hope so cause he is an idiot anyway. He lives in a delusional world of his own and thinks that terrorism is caused because they hate freedom. What bullcrap. He even dares lecture Ron Paul on radical Islam, the only candidate who truly understands terrorism. Talking about radicalism, I think Rudy is a radical neo-con.
he knows what he's doing, or maybe he doesn't
i guess we'll have to wait and see.
Florida is a key state.. All of the Illegal Immigration rhetoric at the debates isnt flying so well with Latino and Puerto Rican voters there. I guess he better show his true liberal colors or he can forget it!Is Rudy Giuliani making a mistake by waiting until the Florida primary to get his campaign going?
I really think so because he hasn't been much of a candidate whose name has even been a buzz except at the republican debates.
Sure hope so cause he is an idiot anyway. He lives in a delusional world of his own and thinks that terrorism is caused because they hate freedom. What bullcrap. He even dares lecture Ron Paul on radical Islam, the only candidate who truly understands terrorism. Talking about radicalism, I think Rudy is a radical neo-con.
he knows what he's doing, or maybe he doesn't
i guess we'll have to wait and see.
Is McCain campaign finally getting around to vetting Palin?鈥?/a>Is McCain campaign finally getting around to vetting Palin?
Yes I read this on another site also. How pathetic. What's the point of vetting someone after you've picked them? He doesn't have to worry about that now, the MSM will vet Sarah Palin since he obviously didn't.Is McCain campaign finally getting around to vetting Palin?
There's a few things I'd love to find out about her. Like....has she ever been out of the state of Alaska? And, since she is a member of the Assembly of God, does she believe in speaking in tongues? Does she think AK47's should be available to anyone? Does she think Jesus would enjoy killing a moose?
You didn't think they were going to Fly up to Alaska to do it -did You?! McCain's campaign doesn't have THAT kind of money! Now that She's down here in the States- they can ';check her'; out. This is a Republican example of ';putting the Cart befort the Horse...'; :)
It seems like this has to be true. His choice is so bizarre . It could not have possibly been investigated and thought out. I bet there are some skeletons in her closet.
Seems so, they also missed her oil profit windfall tax in Alaska.
They probably ';vetted'; her closely enough when she was an exotic dancer in Boise, ID...
Please don't bring up these arguments... She has more experience than Obama who is on top of your ticket...
Perhaps Obama should have done the same thing with Biden.
read my name and plz dont critize, but what is vetting???
Yes I read this on another site also. How pathetic. What's the point of vetting someone after you've picked them? He doesn't have to worry about that now, the MSM will vet Sarah Palin since he obviously didn't.Is McCain campaign finally getting around to vetting Palin?
There's a few things I'd love to find out about her. Like....has she ever been out of the state of Alaska? And, since she is a member of the Assembly of God, does she believe in speaking in tongues? Does she think AK47's should be available to anyone? Does she think Jesus would enjoy killing a moose?
You didn't think they were going to Fly up to Alaska to do it -did You?! McCain's campaign doesn't have THAT kind of money! Now that She's down here in the States- they can ';check her'; out. This is a Republican example of ';putting the Cart befort the Horse...'; :)
It seems like this has to be true. His choice is so bizarre . It could not have possibly been investigated and thought out. I bet there are some skeletons in her closet.
Seems so, they also missed her oil profit windfall tax in Alaska.
They probably ';vetted'; her closely enough when she was an exotic dancer in Boise, ID...
Please don't bring up these arguments... She has more experience than Obama who is on top of your ticket...
Perhaps Obama should have done the same thing with Biden.
read my name and plz dont critize, but what is vetting???
Is it Appropriate for Hillary Clinton to take Campaign contributions from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
Is it an appearance of impropriety for Hillary Clinton's campaign organization to take contributions from Iran?Is it Appropriate for Hillary Clinton to take Campaign contributions from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
Don't be ridiculous. You've sunk to a new low.Is it Appropriate for Hillary Clinton to take Campaign contributions from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
Pelosi has gone to Syria to get her pay.
Don't be ridiculous. You've sunk to a new low.Is it Appropriate for Hillary Clinton to take Campaign contributions from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
Pelosi has gone to Syria to get her pay.
What do you think about Clinton quitting the Campaign?
This is an could she quit when she was so close? i'm sorry for all the Obama fans out there...but personally i'm disapointed because i was gonna vote for Hillary!ugh!What do you think about Clinton quitting the Campaign?
oh my sweet lil ang3l! well lemme tell u this..... I MISS U!!!!!
n we myt go 2 disneyland this summer!!!!! WHOO HOO! lolz.....
alryt seriously now.... i think she shud've won 2 but wat can we do?
n ur gona vote? hmmm...... we'll c bout tht...... i mean ur b-day n the electionz r in the same month.... so ur gona hav 2 b registered 2.....
but u shud vote 4 me..... RIYA for 2008! lolz....
ummm..... i miss u tho.... =(
n wow..... i can imagine u saying tht ';This is an could she quit when she was so close? i'm sorry for all the Obama fans out there...but personally i'm disapointed because i was gonna vote for Hillary!ugh!'; ahaha..... u do talk lyk tht..... LOLZZZ! no wait..... MOLZZZZZ!!!!!!
鈾モ€⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏What do you think about Clinton quitting the Campaign?
No. She is thinking things over. Ron Paul is still on the Republican ticket. What would be so bad if she left her name out there. Rumor has it she is suspending her campaign come Friday. Obama sent Caroline Kennedy out to find him a suitable VP. Someone who could swing a few votes without sharing the lime light I think.
The party shafted Hillary, but I suppose the smart thing would be to bow out ....but she followed party line and voted for the Iraq mess and look where it got her.
I would back her if she went independent with a strong VP.
I understand why she is quitting. The dnc is putting pressure on her to unite the party. I'm still going to write her name in when the general election comes around. I just can't support Obama, he too much of a racist to me. I find a lot of Obama supporters to be rude and if they are well educated why don't they use their brains and be decent to others.
So close? To what? It's OVER! Obama has reached the goal post. There is nothing more she can do. Primaries are over. There are no more states. She lost. Sorry. We need to move on now. The fact that she did not recognize Obama's win last night is a sign that she is out of touch with reality and it's a blessing she will not be the next President.
Why is it an outrage? He's gotten the delegates, and she hasn't. There isn't any point in her continuing, especially when she's losing support from those who previously endorsed her. I don't have anything against her and would have been happy for her to be the nominee, but it's time to face reality. She lost.
She has ZERO options left. If saying she quit is easier to accept, then go ahead. I say she lost and its lights out.
Now she will support Obama like he would have done for her. There is a bigger picture people, not just your personal feelings.
Somebody wins and somebody loses, it is a contest. He had a better campaign than Hillary. Thats the way the cookie crumbles.
Ding, Dong the witch is dead.
She hasn't yet.
I'm astounded at the sexism of the ';progressive'; party that keeps talking as if she has conceded, when she actually hasn't. Like saying it again and again will magically make it true.
At least she knows when to say,'; enough already.';
It's about time. One socialist down, one to go.
it is about time
I've been out all day, I didn't see that... did she?
oh my sweet lil ang3l! well lemme tell u this..... I MISS U!!!!!
n we myt go 2 disneyland this summer!!!!! WHOO HOO! lolz.....
alryt seriously now.... i think she shud've won 2 but wat can we do?
n ur gona vote? hmmm...... we'll c bout tht...... i mean ur b-day n the electionz r in the same month.... so ur gona hav 2 b registered 2.....
but u shud vote 4 me..... RIYA for 2008! lolz....
ummm..... i miss u tho.... =(
n wow..... i can imagine u saying tht ';This is an could she quit when she was so close? i'm sorry for all the Obama fans out there...but personally i'm disapointed because i was gonna vote for Hillary!ugh!'; ahaha..... u do talk lyk tht..... LOLZZZ! no wait..... MOLZZZZZ!!!!!!
鈾モ€⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏What do you think about Clinton quitting the Campaign?
No. She is thinking things over. Ron Paul is still on the Republican ticket. What would be so bad if she left her name out there. Rumor has it she is suspending her campaign come Friday. Obama sent Caroline Kennedy out to find him a suitable VP. Someone who could swing a few votes without sharing the lime light I think.
The party shafted Hillary, but I suppose the smart thing would be to bow out ....but she followed party line and voted for the Iraq mess and look where it got her.
I would back her if she went independent with a strong VP.
I understand why she is quitting. The dnc is putting pressure on her to unite the party. I'm still going to write her name in when the general election comes around. I just can't support Obama, he too much of a racist to me. I find a lot of Obama supporters to be rude and if they are well educated why don't they use their brains and be decent to others.
So close? To what? It's OVER! Obama has reached the goal post. There is nothing more she can do. Primaries are over. There are no more states. She lost. Sorry. We need to move on now. The fact that she did not recognize Obama's win last night is a sign that she is out of touch with reality and it's a blessing she will not be the next President.
Why is it an outrage? He's gotten the delegates, and she hasn't. There isn't any point in her continuing, especially when she's losing support from those who previously endorsed her. I don't have anything against her and would have been happy for her to be the nominee, but it's time to face reality. She lost.
She has ZERO options left. If saying she quit is easier to accept, then go ahead. I say she lost and its lights out.
Now she will support Obama like he would have done for her. There is a bigger picture people, not just your personal feelings.
Somebody wins and somebody loses, it is a contest. He had a better campaign than Hillary. Thats the way the cookie crumbles.
Ding, Dong the witch is dead.
She hasn't yet.
I'm astounded at the sexism of the ';progressive'; party that keeps talking as if she has conceded, when she actually hasn't. Like saying it again and again will magically make it true.
At least she knows when to say,'; enough already.';
It's about time. One socialist down, one to go.
it is about time
I've been out all day, I didn't see that... did she?
Who was it that said months ago that he ';promised to run a clean, focused campaign?';?
I guess it is ok to lie when you get extremely desperate. Since his pick of Palin has obviously backfired on him, he needs to do anything possible to win, but to stoop to the levels he has is pathetic.
Also.....who said 3 weeks ago the economy was fundamentally strong...but then.....the next day said we are in crisis.
Does McCain have Alzheimer's?
Who was it that said months ago that he ';promised to run a clean, focused campaign?';?
McCain said he was going to keep it clean and civil. Total BS, obviously.Who was it that said months ago that he ';promised to run a clean, focused campaign?';?
I think they both said that and then Sarah was announced and Obama got scared and started the trash talk. Now it is open season and its going to go on until November 4
You actually believe what ANY politician says?
There's the problem...Ultrasonic Cleaner
Also.....who said 3 weeks ago the economy was fundamentally strong...but then.....the next day said we are in crisis.
Does McCain have Alzheimer's?
Who was it that said months ago that he ';promised to run a clean, focused campaign?';?
McCain said he was going to keep it clean and civil. Total BS, obviously.Who was it that said months ago that he ';promised to run a clean, focused campaign?';?
I think they both said that and then Sarah was announced and Obama got scared and started the trash talk. Now it is open season and its going to go on until November 4
You actually believe what ANY politician says?
There's the problem...
Can someone give me some insight on negative campaign ads?
I need to write a theme on the effects of negaice campaign ads and what good purposes it serves and should it be bannedCan someone give me some insight on negative campaign ads?
Just Google around; there are whole bunches of studies and discussions about negative advertising and how it turns people off, causes low voter turnout, causes Americans to distrust politicians, etc.
But remember that negative campaigning has been happening for nearly 200 years:鈥?/a>
Another thing to consider is that
Negative ads work!鈥?/a>
Third thing to consider-- it's almost impossible to regulate, as, if there is anything that the First Amendment protects, it'st he right to speak for and speak against political leaders on political issues.
Think about those ideas. Hope I've given you some jumping off points.Can someone give me some insight on negative campaign ads?
Negative ads are offensive to people who have taken the time to educate themselves on the policies and the facts.
They seem to work very well on those who don't pay much attention, and who don't take the effort to differentiate between the policies of the different parties.
Negative ads are generally distortions of the truth and generally very distasteful and unseemly efforts to maliciously malign another candidate or party.
IMO, it makes me question the ethics and morals of the people who commissioned or sponsored the ad.
But I just might have higher standards than the target of said ads.
If you go back four years and look at the adds Kerry and them ran, you will see several types of campaign negative ads. Most don't always '; point or say'; someone did something wrong, but they put it between the lines or insinuate something was done wrong.
In country terms,. we call it mud slinging. The people who throw mud and rocks usually don't have a strong platform so, they reach for something they think will help them.
negative ads point out what controversal or wrong things a person that is running has done. i mean you want to know the worst right?
any Republican one
Just Google around; there are whole bunches of studies and discussions about negative advertising and how it turns people off, causes low voter turnout, causes Americans to distrust politicians, etc.
But remember that negative campaigning has been happening for nearly 200 years:鈥?/a>
Another thing to consider is that
Negative ads work!鈥?/a>
Third thing to consider-- it's almost impossible to regulate, as, if there is anything that the First Amendment protects, it'st he right to speak for and speak against political leaders on political issues.
Think about those ideas. Hope I've given you some jumping off points.Can someone give me some insight on negative campaign ads?
Negative ads are offensive to people who have taken the time to educate themselves on the policies and the facts.
They seem to work very well on those who don't pay much attention, and who don't take the effort to differentiate between the policies of the different parties.
Negative ads are generally distortions of the truth and generally very distasteful and unseemly efforts to maliciously malign another candidate or party.
IMO, it makes me question the ethics and morals of the people who commissioned or sponsored the ad.
But I just might have higher standards than the target of said ads.
If you go back four years and look at the adds Kerry and them ran, you will see several types of campaign negative ads. Most don't always '; point or say'; someone did something wrong, but they put it between the lines or insinuate something was done wrong.
In country terms,. we call it mud slinging. The people who throw mud and rocks usually don't have a strong platform so, they reach for something they think will help them.
negative ads point out what controversal or wrong things a person that is running has done. i mean you want to know the worst right?
any Republican one
I hav to make a page on awareness campaign strategy for either senior citizens or illiterate people?
it is a sub for the topic:Pocket Guide on First-aid......i have completed every thing except the one mentioned please help me...I hav to make a page on awareness campaign strategy for either senior citizens or illiterate people?
First aid for the elderly... Hmmmmm
A lot of them lose their balance and trip and fall often. Their bones are more brittle, so they break more easily. Broken bones can lead to pneumonia in the elderly (not so much for young people), which can lead to death.
This is a major cause of death for older people. My 95yo great-grandmother died from this progression of medical problems that started with a simple episode of losing her balance while getting out of bed one morning.
So why not do a campaign to reduce 'trip and fall' hazards in the home? Things like don't have extension cords stretched out across the traffic areas, clean up any water spills in the kitchen immediately, don't have mats or rugs that can slip or have edges that are turned up, install hand rails into the bathtub area so the elderly can hold onto something as they climb into the tub, install rough strips onto the edge of stairs to make them slip proof, get toys and other items put away when the elderly are visiting.
I'm sure you can think of a few more good ones.
Good luck!I hav to make a page on awareness campaign strategy for either senior citizens or illiterate people?
Don't quite get what you're asking for, but for subject matter, I'd go with illiterate people since all you'd need is pictures to explain first aid.
First aid for the elderly... Hmmmmm
A lot of them lose their balance and trip and fall often. Their bones are more brittle, so they break more easily. Broken bones can lead to pneumonia in the elderly (not so much for young people), which can lead to death.
This is a major cause of death for older people. My 95yo great-grandmother died from this progression of medical problems that started with a simple episode of losing her balance while getting out of bed one morning.
So why not do a campaign to reduce 'trip and fall' hazards in the home? Things like don't have extension cords stretched out across the traffic areas, clean up any water spills in the kitchen immediately, don't have mats or rugs that can slip or have edges that are turned up, install hand rails into the bathtub area so the elderly can hold onto something as they climb into the tub, install rough strips onto the edge of stairs to make them slip proof, get toys and other items put away when the elderly are visiting.
I'm sure you can think of a few more good ones.
Good luck!I hav to make a page on awareness campaign strategy for either senior citizens or illiterate people?
Don't quite get what you're asking for, but for subject matter, I'd go with illiterate people since all you'd need is pictures to explain first aid.
Are you ready for MoveOn.Orgs new ad campaign targeting President Bush?
Apparently, MoveOn.Org is launching a new ad campaign targeting President Bush. Is this really something new, or just more of the same simple minded attacks? What do you think? And why President Bush, he isn't running for office again?Are you ready for MoveOn.Orgs new ad campaign targeting President Bush?
When the Democrats have nothing to stand on, thay attack the Republicans to make the Republicans look bad.Are you ready for MoveOn.Orgs new ad campaign targeting President Bush?
Since was about protecting Bill Clinton from his scandals, I think it is long overdue for to ';move on.';
Sure am.
';Bring em' on!';
because they are filled with rage and somewhat short on brains....go Pres. Bush!
they will go after President Bush in an attempt to increase anger with Republicans in general. The GOP candidates don't have as big of a record to attack so they attack Bush so that it creates an anti-Republicans sentiment that is aimed to propel a Democrat into the White House.
This is somehow new that Move On opposes Bush and his policy? Let me guess - this just started!
Let me make another guess - in your utopian world, newspapers and websites disagreeing with the Republican party would be banned.
When the Democrats have nothing to stand on, thay attack the Republicans to make the Republicans look bad.Are you ready for MoveOn.Orgs new ad campaign targeting President Bush?
Since was about protecting Bill Clinton from his scandals, I think it is long overdue for to ';move on.';
Sure am.
';Bring em' on!';
because they are filled with rage and somewhat short on brains....go Pres. Bush!
they will go after President Bush in an attempt to increase anger with Republicans in general. The GOP candidates don't have as big of a record to attack so they attack Bush so that it creates an anti-Republicans sentiment that is aimed to propel a Democrat into the White House.
This is somehow new that Move On opposes Bush and his policy? Let me guess - this just started!
Let me make another guess - in your utopian world, newspapers and websites disagreeing with the Republican party would be banned.
I'm writing a paper on the political campaign. Can you answer a question for me?
Which media would you like to see presidential candidates using to reach out to younger voters? Which TV forums? Radio? Visit colleges? Etc...Why?I'm writing a paper on the political campaign. Can you answer a question for me?
The internet. That is the media of choice for the young.I'm writing a paper on the political campaign. Can you answer a question for me?
Maybe its just a college thing but most people I know don't really watch tv or listen to the radio so I would suggest more internet stuff
and visiting colleges would be cool too
Since 70 percent don't care in anyway about the Political landscape I would suggest - None of the above .
Internet, because it works.
The Question is moot, younger voters have never turned out in the expected numbers come election day. Not after rock the vote rap the vote or whatever. If we can create an internet Voting booth things might change (seriously).
visiting colleges will be the better choice
Are younger voters any different than older voters other than being more gullible?
The prefered method would be an open invitation forum where anyone could approach to ask or comment without limits on topics.
This is the only way to insure that all people get represented in government.
The way it is now, most of us are being dictated to by the candidates, and that is just NOT who we are supposed to be.
Kerry F*CKED that up last week ';DONT TAZE ME BRO';
Who would be stupid enough to ask directions to the bathroom at a democratic Q%26amp;A on a college campus?
Town Hall mtgs, colleges but internet is todays medium. I prefer face to face. Grass roots and speak, answer my questions. Nothing that can be edited. Good luck.
The internet. That is the media of choice for the young.I'm writing a paper on the political campaign. Can you answer a question for me?
Maybe its just a college thing but most people I know don't really watch tv or listen to the radio so I would suggest more internet stuff
and visiting colleges would be cool too
Since 70 percent don't care in anyway about the Political landscape I would suggest - None of the above .
Internet, because it works.
The Question is moot, younger voters have never turned out in the expected numbers come election day. Not after rock the vote rap the vote or whatever. If we can create an internet Voting booth things might change (seriously).
visiting colleges will be the better choice
Are younger voters any different than older voters other than being more gullible?
The prefered method would be an open invitation forum where anyone could approach to ask or comment without limits on topics.
This is the only way to insure that all people get represented in government.
The way it is now, most of us are being dictated to by the candidates, and that is just NOT who we are supposed to be.
Kerry F*CKED that up last week ';DONT TAZE ME BRO';
Who would be stupid enough to ask directions to the bathroom at a democratic Q%26amp;A on a college campus?
Town Hall mtgs, colleges but internet is todays medium. I prefer face to face. Grass roots and speak, answer my questions. Nothing that can be edited. Good luck.
How desperate is McCain to shake up his campaign to increase his slim chances to win now?
more than Clinton was, obama is and will continue dominatingHow desperate is McCain to shake up his campaign to increase his slim chances to win now?
he is now, lol
How desperate is McCain to shake up his campaign to increase his slim chances to win now?
McCain isn't desperate, it is Obama whoin desperation to please the crowd flip flops everytime he thinks it might win him one vote.
Th Gallup poll shows them even. But otherpresidential races went this way then changed dramatically will this one
McCain will win the election.
He was favored on his patriotism over Obama.
Quit listening to the biased liberal frenzied media.
The knock on McCain's campaign is that it seems unable to adapt from a primary campaign to a general election campaign. Mike Murphy is an old McCain hand rumored to be returning to the campaign.
I don't think McCain's chances of winning the election are that slim. Give people time to consider the give-aways that Obama has promised. There is no way they will become a reality.
If only GM, American Airlines or Ford had the brains to do that. I wouldn't call it desperate, but I wold say it is long over due. Now he needs to get rid of the lobbiest pigs like Charlie Black!
That is called campaigning, not desperation.
Is it desperation for Obama to spend so much time in states that he has zero chance of winning, like South Dakota.
It's still early, but McCain's starting to look like Dole against Clinton.
People are just tired of Republicans, tho' the Dems are no better. I'm thinking Bob Barr.
i believe before he came out to pursue this course that he has the backing and the where with al to achieve his objective.what would be left will be the mandate.
I don't know why people make this out to be a big deal...this is when campaigns do this, during the summer ';slump'; before the conventions...look at Obama's ';refinement of issues';...same thing.....
That is not being desperate, you ninny.
I have my money on McCain winning.
He's already won.
he doesnt have a chance,no way!
he is now, lol
Report Abuse
How desperate is McCain to shake up his campaign to increase his slim chances to win now?
McCain isn't desperate, it is Obama whoin desperation to please the crowd flip flops everytime he thinks it might win him one vote.
Th Gallup poll shows them even. But otherpresidential races went this way then changed dramatically will this one
McCain will win the election.
He was favored on his patriotism over Obama.
Quit listening to the biased liberal frenzied media.
The knock on McCain's campaign is that it seems unable to adapt from a primary campaign to a general election campaign. Mike Murphy is an old McCain hand rumored to be returning to the campaign.
I don't think McCain's chances of winning the election are that slim. Give people time to consider the give-aways that Obama has promised. There is no way they will become a reality.
If only GM, American Airlines or Ford had the brains to do that. I wouldn't call it desperate, but I wold say it is long over due. Now he needs to get rid of the lobbiest pigs like Charlie Black!
That is called campaigning, not desperation.
Is it desperation for Obama to spend so much time in states that he has zero chance of winning, like South Dakota.
It's still early, but McCain's starting to look like Dole against Clinton.
People are just tired of Republicans, tho' the Dems are no better. I'm thinking Bob Barr.
i believe before he came out to pursue this course that he has the backing and the where with al to achieve his objective.what would be left will be the mandate.
I don't know why people make this out to be a big deal...this is when campaigns do this, during the summer ';slump'; before the conventions...look at Obama's ';refinement of issues';...same thing.....
That is not being desperate, you ninny.
I have my money on McCain winning.
He's already won.
he doesnt have a chance,no way!
Has anyone every googled Hillary's 2000 Senate campaign?
I looked up some debate transpcripts, some articles from the paper etc from Hillary's 2000 Senate race. You ought to do it some time.
Its amazing that shes in office at all, the campaign she ran in NY is just as sleazy as this campaign.
Same players, same tactics, lots of undelivered promises, lots of lies and guilt by association smear campaigns. Its funny.Has anyone every googled Hillary's 2000 Senate campaign?
Yes, I also lived there at the time.
The real funny part is how soon Rudy ran away when early poll numbers came out.
Also funny that her job approval rating in NY was one of the highest in The Senate prior to her run for The Presidency.
Peter Paul is not as good at reporting as he is at Atwater/Rovian smears.Has anyone every googled Hillary's 2000 Senate campaign?
Welcome to the world of politics, Gale. It's never going to change. Obama may have came in with good intentions, but politics has changed Obama more than the other way around. Vote for Hillary, in case you have forgotten, the 90's were a very prosperous time.
Why are you worried about 2000? Isn't this 2008 and Barack is hanging on for dear life? why don't you use your time to argue his plans and how they will work. Ooooooooooh I forgot he has no plans. Carry on.
Oh and the guy above me has a lot of class .
How stunning. I'm shocked. You mean HilLIAR-y is a mendacious politician who will do anything to get elected?!?!
Thus far, all evidence has pointed to the contrary. I am indeed disturbed by this revelation.
I've been busy reading about Obama attending a church which teaches Black Liberation Theology. I'm building a website to explain his long time affiliation with Wright as well.
It is true that she has not delivered on a lot of her promises. People should look at that.
Obama 08!
And she won that election too. Gulianni dropped out of it because he knew he'd be stomped.
It's 2008. Catch up when ya can, k?Ultrasonic Cleaner
Its amazing that shes in office at all, the campaign she ran in NY is just as sleazy as this campaign.
Same players, same tactics, lots of undelivered promises, lots of lies and guilt by association smear campaigns. Its funny.Has anyone every googled Hillary's 2000 Senate campaign?
Yes, I also lived there at the time.
The real funny part is how soon Rudy ran away when early poll numbers came out.
Also funny that her job approval rating in NY was one of the highest in The Senate prior to her run for The Presidency.
Peter Paul is not as good at reporting as he is at Atwater/Rovian smears.Has anyone every googled Hillary's 2000 Senate campaign?
Welcome to the world of politics, Gale. It's never going to change. Obama may have came in with good intentions, but politics has changed Obama more than the other way around. Vote for Hillary, in case you have forgotten, the 90's were a very prosperous time.
Why are you worried about 2000? Isn't this 2008 and Barack is hanging on for dear life? why don't you use your time to argue his plans and how they will work. Ooooooooooh I forgot he has no plans. Carry on.
Oh and the guy above me has a lot of class .
How stunning. I'm shocked. You mean HilLIAR-y is a mendacious politician who will do anything to get elected?!?!
Thus far, all evidence has pointed to the contrary. I am indeed disturbed by this revelation.
I've been busy reading about Obama attending a church which teaches Black Liberation Theology. I'm building a website to explain his long time affiliation with Wright as well.
It is true that she has not delivered on a lot of her promises. People should look at that.
Obama 08!
And she won that election too. Gulianni dropped out of it because he knew he'd be stomped.
It's 2008. Catch up when ya can, k?
Clever/fun/good ideas to put on a campaign flyer?
I am running for secretary for my school's student senate. I really want to make flyers that say more than just Vote for me! i want them to have a clever or good saying or slogan to put on them. also any other campaign ideas would be great but mostly just sayings for flyers and posters.!
thanks!!Clever/fun/good ideas to put on a campaign flyer?
How about ';vote for me, since you don't care anyway';Clever/fun/good ideas to put on a campaign flyer?
';HEY YOU! Vote for ________!';
';Vote for ________, and I'll be your friend!';
';For the record, vote ________ secretary!';
';I'm not running to pad my resume! Vote ______ secretary!';
thanks!!Clever/fun/good ideas to put on a campaign flyer?
How about ';vote for me, since you don't care anyway';Clever/fun/good ideas to put on a campaign flyer?
';HEY YOU! Vote for ________!';
';Vote for ________, and I'll be your friend!';
';For the record, vote ________ secretary!';
';I'm not running to pad my resume! Vote ______ secretary!';
As a Hillary supporter will you support a campaign for her divorce from Bill?
NO. I want her to stay with Bill for the rest of her life. He is her anchor to bear.
She has caused ';us'; enough pain and she should have to suffer too...As a Hillary supporter will you support a campaign for her divorce from Bill?
What campaign? How is the private marital relationship between two individuals subject to any manner of a public campaign? Do you think a group of people who call their collective hatred against anyone a ';campaign'; has the legal authority to force anyone to get a divorce? This sounds not quite sane.
Whatever decisions Hillary or anyone else makes in regards to something as important as marriage is that individual's decision to make. In the United States, individuals are free to make those decisions for themselves. Did you not know that?As a Hillary supporter will you support a campaign for her divorce from Bill?
Uhhh.. why would there be a campaign for a divorce???
I'm an Obama supporter, but I just had to say your question is ridiculous.
Who cares what Bill did, it's none of our business. He only did a few women and they were willing. If Obama gets in the White House, he will screw us all. Be ready to bend over.
no , i think they belong together;_ylt=AhRp9B_gMIqdsiT3Uje_pwrsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080531120919AAcrmVu
your a idiot...this is politics not a reality show
guess hillary does appeal to americas uneducated
I think their marriage(or anybody elses for that matter) is none of your business.
No--that's idiotic.
No. He busted his butt for her campaign.
She has caused ';us'; enough pain and she should have to suffer too...As a Hillary supporter will you support a campaign for her divorce from Bill?
What campaign? How is the private marital relationship between two individuals subject to any manner of a public campaign? Do you think a group of people who call their collective hatred against anyone a ';campaign'; has the legal authority to force anyone to get a divorce? This sounds not quite sane.
Whatever decisions Hillary or anyone else makes in regards to something as important as marriage is that individual's decision to make. In the United States, individuals are free to make those decisions for themselves. Did you not know that?As a Hillary supporter will you support a campaign for her divorce from Bill?
Uhhh.. why would there be a campaign for a divorce???
I'm an Obama supporter, but I just had to say your question is ridiculous.
Who cares what Bill did, it's none of our business. He only did a few women and they were willing. If Obama gets in the White House, he will screw us all. Be ready to bend over.
no , i think they belong together;_ylt=AhRp9B_gMIqdsiT3Uje_pwrsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080531120919AAcrmVu
your a idiot...this is politics not a reality show
guess hillary does appeal to americas uneducated
I think their marriage(or anybody elses for that matter) is none of your business.
No--that's idiotic.
No. He busted his butt for her campaign.
Can you really unlock Nazi Zombies for CoD 5 on the Wii if you beat campaign on veteran mode?
not on vetran on any difficulty and only the 1st leval of zombiesCan you really unlock Nazi Zombies for CoD 5 on the Wii if you beat campaign on veteran mode?
Nazi Zombie Mode for Wii
I'm proud to announce that CoD: WaW for the Wii is getting Nazi Zombie Mode later this year. So, Wii owners, don't throw down your Wiimotes just yet. The reason why we didn't get it at first was, because of the Wii being a ';Family System';. WHAT!!!! I guess they didn't really see the rated M for mature. Not E.Can you really unlock Nazi Zombies for CoD 5 on the Wii if you beat campaign on veteran mode?
Are u talking about CoD: WaW?
Nazi Zombies was removed from the Wii version of the game
no u cant who ever told u that is pulling ur leg just look up on gamefaqs or something if u wanna make sure
Nazi Zombie Mode for Wii
I'm proud to announce that CoD: WaW for the Wii is getting Nazi Zombie Mode later this year. So, Wii owners, don't throw down your Wiimotes just yet. The reason why we didn't get it at first was, because of the Wii being a ';Family System';. WHAT!!!! I guess they didn't really see the rated M for mature. Not E.Can you really unlock Nazi Zombies for CoD 5 on the Wii if you beat campaign on veteran mode?
Are u talking about CoD: WaW?
Nazi Zombies was removed from the Wii version of the game
no u cant who ever told u that is pulling ur leg just look up on gamefaqs or something if u wanna make sure
In hindsight was it smart for the McCain campaign to so obviously seek a continuation of the Bush agenda?
I really don't think he had a choice about it. McCain has had presidential ambitions for the last eight years however he needed to win over the support of the GOP (remember in the early primaries Fox News pundits threw their support behind Hillary Clinton) and to do that he had to shift from his more ';Mavericky'; tendancies to the party line. That includes his 90+% support on Bush and changing his stance on issuses like offshore drilling, cutting taxes for the upper class, and torture (which he should be sympathic to given his past).
I think the downfall of the McCain campaign has been the struggle between McCain himself and the GOP. I honestly don't believe Palin was his choice but the choice given to himl. Consider
1) Rumours were he wanted to bring in someone like Romney or Lieberman and everyone was shocked by the announcment of Palin
2) He had only met her once before and barely knew anything about her.
3) the thought behind getting her was to bring the Hillary supporters to the McCain ticket and rally the base (though it has cost them independants and undecided voters).
Then there is the attacking of Obama. While Palin is going out and saying Obama ';pals around with terrorists'; McCain is telling one of his supporters ';you have nothing to fear if Obama becomes president.'; Clearly he wanted to take a much higher road than the Replubicans have and he got stuck with the tatics of the party. Ultimatly the GOP wanted to continue the Bush policy because they are stubborn in their ways and given the power struggle McCain didn't really stand much chance of running an effective campaign. McCain would be viewed much better by independants and swing voters if he wouldn't have changed his ways from the old McCain though the catch 22 is he couldn't have won the Replubican nomination that way.
The rift will probally cost him a shot at the election, unless the Replubicans steal the vote again.In hindsight was it smart for the McCain campaign to so obviously seek a continuation of the Bush agenda?
Of course not - most people are completely fed up of Bush the moron and his failed policies. Voters want change.
However, McCain would alienate many of his supporters by calling for a change of direction, so he was caught between a rock and a hard place - hence why he chose Palin as a running mate. I am guessing his thinking was that he would appear to be more moderate, whereas Palin would appeal to the religious right. I think McCain had little chance of winning from the start of the campaign, due to the historically low popularity of Bush.
However, I also think people will quickly become disillusioned with Obama when he sells out to the Democrats' big business backers and fails to stand up for ordinary people. ';Its the economy, stupid'; - ordinary Americans are going to face a deep recession. (see source)In hindsight was it smart for the McCain campaign to so obviously seek a continuation of the Bush agenda?
I don't think so. I think whether you are a Democrat or a Republican we can agree that George W. Bush did many things that really mired our economy, world reputation, and overall morale. In fact, when this election started, political analysts had one overall conclusion: if McCain even wanted a CHANCE at winning this election, he would have to show the world that he was different from George Bush. It may have been smart of him to elect a Vice Presidential candidate who appealed to extreme conservatives and women (I guess), but - as one can clearly see in this hilarious video - there probably were much better candidates.
It was not McCain's choice to run that agenda. His ';liberal'; views had upset so many in the GOP that when he decided to tilt at the Presidency he had to begin a campaign...around ingratiate himself with the Bush camp. This was the period of his reversals on taxation, the war strategy, torture and the CIA. He made a conscious decision to vote with Bush on all issues in order to mend some of the bridges he had burned with his ';mavericky'; behavior.
He is unable to jettison that now, because part of the deal between McCain and the GOP was that he should help to salvage the Bush ';Legacy';. If he branches out on his own now, they will drop him like a hot rock. No one likes him much there anyway and they are just looking for an excuse to abandon the sinking ship!!
So in other words he CHOSE to sell out his principles; he compromised on his most basic beliefs and voted for laws and policies he had no personal commitment to...all in order to get the job.
This I think does not bode well for the way he would run the suit his own agenda rather than with the good of the nation in mind!!
McCain had no choice today. In 2004 he could easily win , instead he made a deal with Bush and let him crawl to one more term. Now McCain is paying a heavy price for his own stupidity.
So, spending freeze...capitol gains pork...naming and making famous...are Bush Policies? You are Lying.
I am Barrack Obama and I approve this message. Thank you for the far left talking points I really needed to hear that.
I think the downfall of the McCain campaign has been the struggle between McCain himself and the GOP. I honestly don't believe Palin was his choice but the choice given to himl. Consider
1) Rumours were he wanted to bring in someone like Romney or Lieberman and everyone was shocked by the announcment of Palin
2) He had only met her once before and barely knew anything about her.
3) the thought behind getting her was to bring the Hillary supporters to the McCain ticket and rally the base (though it has cost them independants and undecided voters).
Then there is the attacking of Obama. While Palin is going out and saying Obama ';pals around with terrorists'; McCain is telling one of his supporters ';you have nothing to fear if Obama becomes president.'; Clearly he wanted to take a much higher road than the Replubicans have and he got stuck with the tatics of the party. Ultimatly the GOP wanted to continue the Bush policy because they are stubborn in their ways and given the power struggle McCain didn't really stand much chance of running an effective campaign. McCain would be viewed much better by independants and swing voters if he wouldn't have changed his ways from the old McCain though the catch 22 is he couldn't have won the Replubican nomination that way.
The rift will probally cost him a shot at the election, unless the Replubicans steal the vote again.In hindsight was it smart for the McCain campaign to so obviously seek a continuation of the Bush agenda?
Of course not - most people are completely fed up of Bush the moron and his failed policies. Voters want change.
However, McCain would alienate many of his supporters by calling for a change of direction, so he was caught between a rock and a hard place - hence why he chose Palin as a running mate. I am guessing his thinking was that he would appear to be more moderate, whereas Palin would appeal to the religious right. I think McCain had little chance of winning from the start of the campaign, due to the historically low popularity of Bush.
However, I also think people will quickly become disillusioned with Obama when he sells out to the Democrats' big business backers and fails to stand up for ordinary people. ';Its the economy, stupid'; - ordinary Americans are going to face a deep recession. (see source)In hindsight was it smart for the McCain campaign to so obviously seek a continuation of the Bush agenda?
I don't think so. I think whether you are a Democrat or a Republican we can agree that George W. Bush did many things that really mired our economy, world reputation, and overall morale. In fact, when this election started, political analysts had one overall conclusion: if McCain even wanted a CHANCE at winning this election, he would have to show the world that he was different from George Bush. It may have been smart of him to elect a Vice Presidential candidate who appealed to extreme conservatives and women (I guess), but - as one can clearly see in this hilarious video - there probably were much better candidates.
It was not McCain's choice to run that agenda. His ';liberal'; views had upset so many in the GOP that when he decided to tilt at the Presidency he had to begin a campaign...around ingratiate himself with the Bush camp. This was the period of his reversals on taxation, the war strategy, torture and the CIA. He made a conscious decision to vote with Bush on all issues in order to mend some of the bridges he had burned with his ';mavericky'; behavior.
He is unable to jettison that now, because part of the deal between McCain and the GOP was that he should help to salvage the Bush ';Legacy';. If he branches out on his own now, they will drop him like a hot rock. No one likes him much there anyway and they are just looking for an excuse to abandon the sinking ship!!
So in other words he CHOSE to sell out his principles; he compromised on his most basic beliefs and voted for laws and policies he had no personal commitment to...all in order to get the job.
This I think does not bode well for the way he would run the suit his own agenda rather than with the good of the nation in mind!!
McCain had no choice today. In 2004 he could easily win , instead he made a deal with Bush and let him crawl to one more term. Now McCain is paying a heavy price for his own stupidity.
So, spending freeze...capitol gains pork...naming and making famous...are Bush Policies? You are Lying.
I am Barrack Obama and I approve this message. Thank you for the far left talking points I really needed to hear that.
Can you really unlock Nazi Zombies for CoD 5 on the Wii if you beat campaign on veteran mode?
not on vetran on any difficulty and only the 1st leval of zombiesCan you really unlock Nazi Zombies for CoD 5 on the Wii if you beat campaign on veteran mode?
Nazi Zombie Mode for Wii
I'm proud to announce that CoD: WaW for the Wii is getting Nazi Zombie Mode later this year. So, Wii owners, don't throw down your Wiimotes just yet. The reason why we didn't get it at first was, because of the Wii being a ';Family System';. WHAT!!!! I guess they didn't really see the rated M for mature. Not E.Can you really unlock Nazi Zombies for CoD 5 on the Wii if you beat campaign on veteran mode?
Are u talking about CoD: WaW?
Nazi Zombies was removed from the Wii version of the game
no u cant who ever told u that is pulling ur leg just look up on gamefaqs or something if u wanna make sure
Nazi Zombie Mode for Wii
I'm proud to announce that CoD: WaW for the Wii is getting Nazi Zombie Mode later this year. So, Wii owners, don't throw down your Wiimotes just yet. The reason why we didn't get it at first was, because of the Wii being a ';Family System';. WHAT!!!! I guess they didn't really see the rated M for mature. Not E.Can you really unlock Nazi Zombies for CoD 5 on the Wii if you beat campaign on veteran mode?
Are u talking about CoD: WaW?
Nazi Zombies was removed from the Wii version of the game
no u cant who ever told u that is pulling ur leg just look up on gamefaqs or something if u wanna make sure
In hindsight was it smart for the McCain campaign to so obviously seek a continuation of the Bush agenda?
I really don't think he had a choice about it. McCain has had presidential ambitions for the last eight years however he needed to win over the support of the GOP (remember in the early primaries Fox News pundits threw their support behind Hillary Clinton) and to do that he had to shift from his more ';Mavericky'; tendancies to the party line. That includes his 90+% support on Bush and changing his stance on issuses like offshore drilling, cutting taxes for the upper class, and torture (which he should be sympathic to given his past).
I think the downfall of the McCain campaign has been the struggle between McCain himself and the GOP. I honestly don't believe Palin was his choice but the choice given to himl. Consider
1) Rumours were he wanted to bring in someone like Romney or Lieberman and everyone was shocked by the announcment of Palin
2) He had only met her once before and barely knew anything about her.
3) the thought behind getting her was to bring the Hillary supporters to the McCain ticket and rally the base (though it has cost them independants and undecided voters).
Then there is the attacking of Obama. While Palin is going out and saying Obama ';pals around with terrorists'; McCain is telling one of his supporters ';you have nothing to fear if Obama becomes president.'; Clearly he wanted to take a much higher road than the Replubicans have and he got stuck with the tatics of the party. Ultimatly the GOP wanted to continue the Bush policy because they are stubborn in their ways and given the power struggle McCain didn't really stand much chance of running an effective campaign. McCain would be viewed much better by independants and swing voters if he wouldn't have changed his ways from the old McCain though the catch 22 is he couldn't have won the Replubican nomination that way.
The rift will probally cost him a shot at the election, unless the Replubicans steal the vote again.In hindsight was it smart for the McCain campaign to so obviously seek a continuation of the Bush agenda?
Of course not - most people are completely fed up of Bush the moron and his failed policies. Voters want change.
However, McCain would alienate many of his supporters by calling for a change of direction, so he was caught between a rock and a hard place - hence why he chose Palin as a running mate. I am guessing his thinking was that he would appear to be more moderate, whereas Palin would appeal to the religious right. I think McCain had little chance of winning from the start of the campaign, due to the historically low popularity of Bush.
However, I also think people will quickly become disillusioned with Obama when he sells out to the Democrats' big business backers and fails to stand up for ordinary people. ';Its the economy, stupid'; - ordinary Americans are going to face a deep recession. (see source)In hindsight was it smart for the McCain campaign to so obviously seek a continuation of the Bush agenda?
I don't think so. I think whether you are a Democrat or a Republican we can agree that George W. Bush did many things that really mired our economy, world reputation, and overall morale. In fact, when this election started, political analysts had one overall conclusion: if McCain even wanted a CHANCE at winning this election, he would have to show the world that he was different from George Bush. It may have been smart of him to elect a Vice Presidential candidate who appealed to extreme conservatives and women (I guess), but - as one can clearly see in this hilarious video - there probably were much better candidates.
It was not McCain's choice to run that agenda. His ';liberal'; views had upset so many in the GOP that when he decided to tilt at the Presidency he had to begin a campaign...around ingratiate himself with the Bush camp. This was the period of his reversals on taxation, the war strategy, torture and the CIA. He made a conscious decision to vote with Bush on all issues in order to mend some of the bridges he had burned with his ';mavericky'; behavior.
He is unable to jettison that now, because part of the deal between McCain and the GOP was that he should help to salvage the Bush ';Legacy';. If he branches out on his own now, they will drop him like a hot rock. No one likes him much there anyway and they are just looking for an excuse to abandon the sinking ship!!
So in other words he CHOSE to sell out his principles; he compromised on his most basic beliefs and voted for laws and policies he had no personal commitment to...all in order to get the job.
This I think does not bode well for the way he would run the suit his own agenda rather than with the good of the nation in mind!!
McCain had no choice today. In 2004 he could easily win , instead he made a deal with Bush and let him crawl to one more term. Now McCain is paying a heavy price for his own stupidity.
So, spending freeze...capitol gains pork...naming and making famous...are Bush Policies? You are Lying.
I am Barrack Obama and I approve this message. Thank you for the far left talking points I really needed to hear that.Ultrasonic Cleaner
I think the downfall of the McCain campaign has been the struggle between McCain himself and the GOP. I honestly don't believe Palin was his choice but the choice given to himl. Consider
1) Rumours were he wanted to bring in someone like Romney or Lieberman and everyone was shocked by the announcment of Palin
2) He had only met her once before and barely knew anything about her.
3) the thought behind getting her was to bring the Hillary supporters to the McCain ticket and rally the base (though it has cost them independants and undecided voters).
Then there is the attacking of Obama. While Palin is going out and saying Obama ';pals around with terrorists'; McCain is telling one of his supporters ';you have nothing to fear if Obama becomes president.'; Clearly he wanted to take a much higher road than the Replubicans have and he got stuck with the tatics of the party. Ultimatly the GOP wanted to continue the Bush policy because they are stubborn in their ways and given the power struggle McCain didn't really stand much chance of running an effective campaign. McCain would be viewed much better by independants and swing voters if he wouldn't have changed his ways from the old McCain though the catch 22 is he couldn't have won the Replubican nomination that way.
The rift will probally cost him a shot at the election, unless the Replubicans steal the vote again.In hindsight was it smart for the McCain campaign to so obviously seek a continuation of the Bush agenda?
Of course not - most people are completely fed up of Bush the moron and his failed policies. Voters want change.
However, McCain would alienate many of his supporters by calling for a change of direction, so he was caught between a rock and a hard place - hence why he chose Palin as a running mate. I am guessing his thinking was that he would appear to be more moderate, whereas Palin would appeal to the religious right. I think McCain had little chance of winning from the start of the campaign, due to the historically low popularity of Bush.
However, I also think people will quickly become disillusioned with Obama when he sells out to the Democrats' big business backers and fails to stand up for ordinary people. ';Its the economy, stupid'; - ordinary Americans are going to face a deep recession. (see source)In hindsight was it smart for the McCain campaign to so obviously seek a continuation of the Bush agenda?
I don't think so. I think whether you are a Democrat or a Republican we can agree that George W. Bush did many things that really mired our economy, world reputation, and overall morale. In fact, when this election started, political analysts had one overall conclusion: if McCain even wanted a CHANCE at winning this election, he would have to show the world that he was different from George Bush. It may have been smart of him to elect a Vice Presidential candidate who appealed to extreme conservatives and women (I guess), but - as one can clearly see in this hilarious video - there probably were much better candidates.
It was not McCain's choice to run that agenda. His ';liberal'; views had upset so many in the GOP that when he decided to tilt at the Presidency he had to begin a campaign...around ingratiate himself with the Bush camp. This was the period of his reversals on taxation, the war strategy, torture and the CIA. He made a conscious decision to vote with Bush on all issues in order to mend some of the bridges he had burned with his ';mavericky'; behavior.
He is unable to jettison that now, because part of the deal between McCain and the GOP was that he should help to salvage the Bush ';Legacy';. If he branches out on his own now, they will drop him like a hot rock. No one likes him much there anyway and they are just looking for an excuse to abandon the sinking ship!!
So in other words he CHOSE to sell out his principles; he compromised on his most basic beliefs and voted for laws and policies he had no personal commitment to...all in order to get the job.
This I think does not bode well for the way he would run the suit his own agenda rather than with the good of the nation in mind!!
McCain had no choice today. In 2004 he could easily win , instead he made a deal with Bush and let him crawl to one more term. Now McCain is paying a heavy price for his own stupidity.
So, spending freeze...capitol gains pork...naming and making famous...are Bush Policies? You are Lying.
I am Barrack Obama and I approve this message. Thank you for the far left talking points I really needed to hear that.
Is the GOP on a 4 year (See I told you so) campaign cycle, why else would they undermine McCain's campaign?
I see anti McCain Republican rhetoric every day.Is the GOP on a 4 year (See I told you so) campaign cycle, why else would they undermine McCain's campaign?
the republican party is split in 3, the Limbaugh republicans and the George will republicans and the Giuliani republicans not to mention the ex GOP members who switched libertarian Is the GOP on a 4 year (See I told you so) campaign cycle, why else would they undermine McCain's campaign?
The two parties work together, to divide up the country in a balanced manner..
You win, We win, etc..鈥?/a>
People must wake up to the fact that there is only ONE political party, wearing two hats. They focus on few little differences such as abortion, and ignore all the similarities that really matter like economy, war, etc.
If they wanted us to vote GOP they should have let us nominate an actual Republican.
Ron Paul 2008 or as close as I can vote and have it counted.
the republican party is split in 3, the Limbaugh republicans and the George will republicans and the Giuliani republicans not to mention the ex GOP members who switched libertarian Is the GOP on a 4 year (See I told you so) campaign cycle, why else would they undermine McCain's campaign?
The two parties work together, to divide up the country in a balanced manner..
You win, We win, etc..鈥?/a>
People must wake up to the fact that there is only ONE political party, wearing two hats. They focus on few little differences such as abortion, and ignore all the similarities that really matter like economy, war, etc.
If they wanted us to vote GOP they should have let us nominate an actual Republican.
Ron Paul 2008 or as close as I can vote and have it counted.
How badly has Geraldine Ferraro hurt the Hillary campaign?
Not at all . . . Personally I think Ferraro was right and I'm glad someone finally said it.How badly has Geraldine Ferraro hurt the Hillary campaign?
It was a shrewd move by Hillary actually. Blacks aren't going to vote for her anyway, so she might as well try to fire up the rest of the party.How badly has Geraldine Ferraro hurt the Hillary campaign?
Geraldine Ferraro is a bitter old bag that her foiled attempt at running for the white house ended in a rout, so she can't deal with the fact that Obama might win the Presidency.
Bad. She told the truth.
I think it was the last nail in the coffin for Hillary regaining any Black voters. Even if she gets the nomination, there are many Blacks who will remember all this and not vote for her in November.
Blacks make up a large percentage of democratic voters. She won't win the White House unless she can win back their support.
I don't know if she hurt the Clintons but she sure made a fool of herself.
Not much at all. This will all blow over in a week when the media finds something else to blow entirely out of proportion.
Besides, she not only made statments about Obama's minority status helping his candidacy, she said the same thing about hillary. And that is why she resigned....she pissed off Hillary.
I think it opened some eyes.
Not at all actually the Obama campaign is hurting itself, people are going to get tired of the old race card after awhile and it will turn a certain voter block against the Obama campaign, not everything related to race is racist just because someone doesn't like it.~
She hasn't.
Hillary's camp exposed Obama playing the race card when he called Ferraro a racist and Hillary had her day in public favoritism when she threw Ferraro under the bus.
The person who was hurt was Ferraro who has become a victim of her own party's policies, namely affirmative action, PC (anti first amendment) politics, and quotas.
It astounds me to see people blame Obama for ';playing the race card'; when it was one of Hillary's top fund raisers who basically said ';he's only here b/c he's black.'; People seem to forget that Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Alan Keyes have all run for President and never got the support that Obama has.
Obama didn't bring this up. Ferraro did. Yet she's trying to blame HIM for playing the race card? I'm a tad confused.
Honestly I don't think this issue hurt Hillary's campaign too much though. She's already shown that her campaign is filled with people who will lie, cheat %26amp; steal to get her the nomination. She's used shady tactics all along. Anybody who hasn't realized it by now, never will.
But it will turn many black voters off to Hillary. If she somehow happened to win the nomination, I would not vote for her. Not because I think she's a racist (I don't), but because she's proven to either be a terrible campaign manager or a very shady and conniving individual. Either way, I do not trust her to run my country.
She hasn't. Hillary has said herself she does not agree with her. By tomorrow you won't hear about Ferraro any more, old news.
Not at all. Those who were supporting the Hill still are. Ferraro spoke the truth and probably helped Hillary.
She hasn't. I think it hurts the Obama campaign considering they were the ones to point it out to the MSM. People are getting tired of the race card being played by his campaign. David Axlerod is a tool.
she helped the campaign. they put her up to it. The plan is to take the debate away from issues...where obama was beating her, and into the arena of pitting whites against blacks and women against men. they themselves have called this the kitchen sink strategy. Unfortunately, it works, at least in the short term. But I am hopeful that americans will open their eyes and see who the good guy is here and who is the bad guy.
Not at all.
The Obama campaign has been using race since day one.
Before the South Carolina primary Obama had a strong hold on 90% of the black vote.
Obama becomes the big loser. He cannot beat McCain with the Africa American vote and white liberal Democrats. Obama needs to win more states than Kerry %26amp; that's not going to happen.
The Democratic primary process of caucuses and proportional voting will result in a McCain victory. I don't like that but that is what Obama will be doing to the party!
It will take some time to see what the fall out is. Or it might just be viewed as another calculation to divide, alienate and conquer. By marginalizing him based on his color, it can be the message they hope will resonate with the lower income, non college educated older white voters that make up the '; Alabama in between'; demographic in PA.
She did not tell the truth. I want to see how you can spin the below as being ';lucky';
He was called names because of his name, because he is bi-racial. He has been smeared with false rumors and innuendos as to his patriotism and his religion. His mother had been on food stamps for short periods of time when he had been a child and raised him as a single mother, while going to Graduate school. He had to be under Secret Service Protection long before anyone else in the race, except for Hillary, because of his race. He has had death threats because of ignorance and has an article which is cited almost daily that he is going to be assassinated. If that is lucky, I would not want any part of it.
Edited to add:
Obama never called Geraldine Ferraro a racist. He just said her comments were absurd.
Hmm... Its hard to say. The Clinton campaign severed ties with her which was smart... but they seemed to take their time doing it.
I don't think that Ferraro is a racist but what she said implied that Obama supporters were naive and that Obama's candidacy was trendy whereas Clinton's campaign support was from well-thought voters. This was a stupid thing to say because it could alienate the base of Obama if he lost the nomination and Hillary won it.
If Obama's supporters see Ferraro's comments as shared by Clinton's thinking then it could do a lot of damage. This is a fragile time for the Democratic party having 2 candidates who apparently don't like each other. If their dislike of each other spill out to their supporters then it will affect voter turn-out for either of them.
Obama's response to it was excellent... he intelligently diffused the perception that Ferraro was a racist. He didn't appear like a victim but he questioned her the logic and irresponsibility of her words. I think it helped Obama more than it hurt Hillary. I think Hillary handled it okay... but time will tell if it will hurt her.
Actually... it's helped because Obama reacted very strong to Ferraro.. then when his preacher gets up and makes all of these horribly racist remarks he just tries to play it down. Makes him look like a hypocrite.
Hardly at all, if at all.
Seems to this supporter of Obama that Ferraro is NOT the same person as Clinton, and what she said is not relevant.
Not at all....that was used as a strategy to poison the minds of the ignorant white voters by driving a wedge between whites and blacks so that white s will feel obligated to over look all the Clinton deceptions and scandals and save poor Hillary from the mean ';N'; words.....Its like the white woman dating the black man.....but yells rape when she sees the KKK coming you'd have to know the ';real'; American history to understand the analogy
It was a shrewd move by Hillary actually. Blacks aren't going to vote for her anyway, so she might as well try to fire up the rest of the party.How badly has Geraldine Ferraro hurt the Hillary campaign?
Geraldine Ferraro is a bitter old bag that her foiled attempt at running for the white house ended in a rout, so she can't deal with the fact that Obama might win the Presidency.
Bad. She told the truth.
I think it was the last nail in the coffin for Hillary regaining any Black voters. Even if she gets the nomination, there are many Blacks who will remember all this and not vote for her in November.
Blacks make up a large percentage of democratic voters. She won't win the White House unless she can win back their support.
I don't know if she hurt the Clintons but she sure made a fool of herself.
Not much at all. This will all blow over in a week when the media finds something else to blow entirely out of proportion.
Besides, she not only made statments about Obama's minority status helping his candidacy, she said the same thing about hillary. And that is why she resigned....she pissed off Hillary.
I think it opened some eyes.
Not at all actually the Obama campaign is hurting itself, people are going to get tired of the old race card after awhile and it will turn a certain voter block against the Obama campaign, not everything related to race is racist just because someone doesn't like it.~
She hasn't.
Hillary's camp exposed Obama playing the race card when he called Ferraro a racist and Hillary had her day in public favoritism when she threw Ferraro under the bus.
The person who was hurt was Ferraro who has become a victim of her own party's policies, namely affirmative action, PC (anti first amendment) politics, and quotas.
It astounds me to see people blame Obama for ';playing the race card'; when it was one of Hillary's top fund raisers who basically said ';he's only here b/c he's black.'; People seem to forget that Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Alan Keyes have all run for President and never got the support that Obama has.
Obama didn't bring this up. Ferraro did. Yet she's trying to blame HIM for playing the race card? I'm a tad confused.
Honestly I don't think this issue hurt Hillary's campaign too much though. She's already shown that her campaign is filled with people who will lie, cheat %26amp; steal to get her the nomination. She's used shady tactics all along. Anybody who hasn't realized it by now, never will.
But it will turn many black voters off to Hillary. If she somehow happened to win the nomination, I would not vote for her. Not because I think she's a racist (I don't), but because she's proven to either be a terrible campaign manager or a very shady and conniving individual. Either way, I do not trust her to run my country.
She hasn't. Hillary has said herself she does not agree with her. By tomorrow you won't hear about Ferraro any more, old news.
Not at all. Those who were supporting the Hill still are. Ferraro spoke the truth and probably helped Hillary.
She hasn't. I think it hurts the Obama campaign considering they were the ones to point it out to the MSM. People are getting tired of the race card being played by his campaign. David Axlerod is a tool.
she helped the campaign. they put her up to it. The plan is to take the debate away from issues...where obama was beating her, and into the arena of pitting whites against blacks and women against men. they themselves have called this the kitchen sink strategy. Unfortunately, it works, at least in the short term. But I am hopeful that americans will open their eyes and see who the good guy is here and who is the bad guy.
Not at all.
The Obama campaign has been using race since day one.
Before the South Carolina primary Obama had a strong hold on 90% of the black vote.
Obama becomes the big loser. He cannot beat McCain with the Africa American vote and white liberal Democrats. Obama needs to win more states than Kerry %26amp; that's not going to happen.
The Democratic primary process of caucuses and proportional voting will result in a McCain victory. I don't like that but that is what Obama will be doing to the party!
It will take some time to see what the fall out is. Or it might just be viewed as another calculation to divide, alienate and conquer. By marginalizing him based on his color, it can be the message they hope will resonate with the lower income, non college educated older white voters that make up the '; Alabama in between'; demographic in PA.
She did not tell the truth. I want to see how you can spin the below as being ';lucky';
He was called names because of his name, because he is bi-racial. He has been smeared with false rumors and innuendos as to his patriotism and his religion. His mother had been on food stamps for short periods of time when he had been a child and raised him as a single mother, while going to Graduate school. He had to be under Secret Service Protection long before anyone else in the race, except for Hillary, because of his race. He has had death threats because of ignorance and has an article which is cited almost daily that he is going to be assassinated. If that is lucky, I would not want any part of it.
Edited to add:
Obama never called Geraldine Ferraro a racist. He just said her comments were absurd.
Hmm... Its hard to say. The Clinton campaign severed ties with her which was smart... but they seemed to take their time doing it.
I don't think that Ferraro is a racist but what she said implied that Obama supporters were naive and that Obama's candidacy was trendy whereas Clinton's campaign support was from well-thought voters. This was a stupid thing to say because it could alienate the base of Obama if he lost the nomination and Hillary won it.
If Obama's supporters see Ferraro's comments as shared by Clinton's thinking then it could do a lot of damage. This is a fragile time for the Democratic party having 2 candidates who apparently don't like each other. If their dislike of each other spill out to their supporters then it will affect voter turn-out for either of them.
Obama's response to it was excellent... he intelligently diffused the perception that Ferraro was a racist. He didn't appear like a victim but he questioned her the logic and irresponsibility of her words. I think it helped Obama more than it hurt Hillary. I think Hillary handled it okay... but time will tell if it will hurt her.
Actually... it's helped because Obama reacted very strong to Ferraro.. then when his preacher gets up and makes all of these horribly racist remarks he just tries to play it down. Makes him look like a hypocrite.
Hardly at all, if at all.
Seems to this supporter of Obama that Ferraro is NOT the same person as Clinton, and what she said is not relevant.
Not at all....that was used as a strategy to poison the minds of the ignorant white voters by driving a wedge between whites and blacks so that white s will feel obligated to over look all the Clinton deceptions and scandals and save poor Hillary from the mean ';N'; words.....Its like the white woman dating the black man.....but yells rape when she sees the KKK coming you'd have to know the ';real'; American history to understand the analogy
Is Rudy Giuliani making a mistake by waiting until the Florida primary to get his campaign going?
It's only a mistake if it doesn't work, but he's a major contender. If he gets New York, Florida, and all the other big states he could wrap up the nod in the open republican party. It's risky, but that might be what it takes to win the nod.Is Rudy Giuliani making a mistake by waiting until the Florida primary to get his campaign going?
Florida is a key state.. All of the Illegal Immigration rhetoric at the debates isnt flying so well with Latino and Puerto Rican voters there. I guess he better show his true liberal colors or he can forget it!Is Rudy Giuliani making a mistake by waiting until the Florida primary to get his campaign going?
I really think so because he hasn't been much of a candidate whose name has even been a buzz except at the republican debates.
Sure hope so cause he is an idiot anyway. He lives in a delusional world of his own and thinks that terrorism is caused because they hate freedom. What bullcrap. He even dares lecture Ron Paul on radical Islam, the only candidate who truly understands terrorism. Talking about radicalism, I think Rudy is a radical neo-con.
he knows what he's doing, or maybe he doesn't
i guess we'll have to wait and see.
Florida is a key state.. All of the Illegal Immigration rhetoric at the debates isnt flying so well with Latino and Puerto Rican voters there. I guess he better show his true liberal colors or he can forget it!Is Rudy Giuliani making a mistake by waiting until the Florida primary to get his campaign going?
I really think so because he hasn't been much of a candidate whose name has even been a buzz except at the republican debates.
Sure hope so cause he is an idiot anyway. He lives in a delusional world of his own and thinks that terrorism is caused because they hate freedom. What bullcrap. He even dares lecture Ron Paul on radical Islam, the only candidate who truly understands terrorism. Talking about radicalism, I think Rudy is a radical neo-con.
he knows what he's doing, or maybe he doesn't
i guess we'll have to wait and see.
Is McCain campaign finally getting around to vetting Palin?鈥?/a>Is McCain campaign finally getting around to vetting Palin?
Yes I read this on another site also. How pathetic. What's the point of vetting someone after you've picked them? He doesn't have to worry about that now, the MSM will vet Sarah Palin since he obviously didn't.Is McCain campaign finally getting around to vetting Palin?
There's a few things I'd love to find out about her. Like....has she ever been out of the state of Alaska? And, since she is a member of the Assembly of God, does she believe in speaking in tongues? Does she think AK47's should be available to anyone? Does she think Jesus would enjoy killing a moose?
You didn't think they were going to Fly up to Alaska to do it -did You?! McCain's campaign doesn't have THAT kind of money! Now that She's down here in the States- they can ';check her'; out. This is a Republican example of ';putting the Cart befort the Horse...'; :)
It seems like this has to be true. His choice is so bizarre . It could not have possibly been investigated and thought out. I bet there are some skeletons in her closet.
Seems so, they also missed her oil profit windfall tax in Alaska.
They probably ';vetted'; her closely enough when she was an exotic dancer in Boise, ID...
Please don't bring up these arguments... She has more experience than Obama who is on top of your ticket...
Perhaps Obama should have done the same thing with Biden.
read my name and plz dont critize, but what is vetting???
Yes I read this on another site also. How pathetic. What's the point of vetting someone after you've picked them? He doesn't have to worry about that now, the MSM will vet Sarah Palin since he obviously didn't.Is McCain campaign finally getting around to vetting Palin?
There's a few things I'd love to find out about her. Like....has she ever been out of the state of Alaska? And, since she is a member of the Assembly of God, does she believe in speaking in tongues? Does she think AK47's should be available to anyone? Does she think Jesus would enjoy killing a moose?
You didn't think they were going to Fly up to Alaska to do it -did You?! McCain's campaign doesn't have THAT kind of money! Now that She's down here in the States- they can ';check her'; out. This is a Republican example of ';putting the Cart befort the Horse...'; :)
It seems like this has to be true. His choice is so bizarre . It could not have possibly been investigated and thought out. I bet there are some skeletons in her closet.
Seems so, they also missed her oil profit windfall tax in Alaska.
They probably ';vetted'; her closely enough when she was an exotic dancer in Boise, ID...
Please don't bring up these arguments... She has more experience than Obama who is on top of your ticket...
Perhaps Obama should have done the same thing with Biden.
read my name and plz dont critize, but what is vetting???
Is it Appropriate for Hillary Clinton to take Campaign contributions from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
Is it an appearance of impropriety for Hillary Clinton's campaign organization to take contributions from Iran?Is it Appropriate for Hillary Clinton to take Campaign contributions from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
Don't be ridiculous. You've sunk to a new low.Is it Appropriate for Hillary Clinton to take Campaign contributions from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
Pelosi has gone to Syria to get her pay.
Don't be ridiculous. You've sunk to a new low.Is it Appropriate for Hillary Clinton to take Campaign contributions from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
Pelosi has gone to Syria to get her pay.
What do you think about Clinton quitting the Campaign?
This is an could she quit when she was so close? i'm sorry for all the Obama fans out there...but personally i'm disapointed because i was gonna vote for Hillary!ugh!What do you think about Clinton quitting the Campaign?
oh my sweet lil ang3l! well lemme tell u this..... I MISS U!!!!!
n we myt go 2 disneyland this summer!!!!! WHOO HOO! lolz.....
alryt seriously now.... i think she shud've won 2 but wat can we do?
n ur gona vote? hmmm...... we'll c bout tht...... i mean ur b-day n the electionz r in the same month.... so ur gona hav 2 b registered 2.....
but u shud vote 4 me..... RIYA for 2008! lolz....
ummm..... i miss u tho.... =(
n wow..... i can imagine u saying tht ';This is an could she quit when she was so close? i'm sorry for all the Obama fans out there...but personally i'm disapointed because i was gonna vote for Hillary!ugh!'; ahaha..... u do talk lyk tht..... LOLZZZ! no wait..... MOLZZZZZ!!!!!!
鈾モ€⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏What do you think about Clinton quitting the Campaign?
No. She is thinking things over. Ron Paul is still on the Republican ticket. What would be so bad if she left her name out there. Rumor has it she is suspending her campaign come Friday. Obama sent Caroline Kennedy out to find him a suitable VP. Someone who could swing a few votes without sharing the lime light I think.
The party shafted Hillary, but I suppose the smart thing would be to bow out ....but she followed party line and voted for the Iraq mess and look where it got her.
I would back her if she went independent with a strong VP.
I understand why she is quitting. The dnc is putting pressure on her to unite the party. I'm still going to write her name in when the general election comes around. I just can't support Obama, he too much of a racist to me. I find a lot of Obama supporters to be rude and if they are well educated why don't they use their brains and be decent to others.
So close? To what? It's OVER! Obama has reached the goal post. There is nothing more she can do. Primaries are over. There are no more states. She lost. Sorry. We need to move on now. The fact that she did not recognize Obama's win last night is a sign that she is out of touch with reality and it's a blessing she will not be the next President.
Why is it an outrage? He's gotten the delegates, and she hasn't. There isn't any point in her continuing, especially when she's losing support from those who previously endorsed her. I don't have anything against her and would have been happy for her to be the nominee, but it's time to face reality. She lost.
She has ZERO options left. If saying she quit is easier to accept, then go ahead. I say she lost and its lights out.
Now she will support Obama like he would have done for her. There is a bigger picture people, not just your personal feelings.
Somebody wins and somebody loses, it is a contest. He had a better campaign than Hillary. Thats the way the cookie crumbles.
Ding, Dong the witch is dead.
She hasn't yet.
I'm astounded at the sexism of the ';progressive'; party that keeps talking as if she has conceded, when she actually hasn't. Like saying it again and again will magically make it true.
At least she knows when to say,'; enough already.';
It's about time. One socialist down, one to go.
it is about time
I've been out all day, I didn't see that... did she?Ultrasonic Cleaner
oh my sweet lil ang3l! well lemme tell u this..... I MISS U!!!!!
n we myt go 2 disneyland this summer!!!!! WHOO HOO! lolz.....
alryt seriously now.... i think she shud've won 2 but wat can we do?
n ur gona vote? hmmm...... we'll c bout tht...... i mean ur b-day n the electionz r in the same month.... so ur gona hav 2 b registered 2.....
but u shud vote 4 me..... RIYA for 2008! lolz....
ummm..... i miss u tho.... =(
n wow..... i can imagine u saying tht ';This is an could she quit when she was so close? i'm sorry for all the Obama fans out there...but personally i'm disapointed because i was gonna vote for Hillary!ugh!'; ahaha..... u do talk lyk tht..... LOLZZZ! no wait..... MOLZZZZZ!!!!!!
鈾モ€⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏鈥⑩櫏What do you think about Clinton quitting the Campaign?
No. She is thinking things over. Ron Paul is still on the Republican ticket. What would be so bad if she left her name out there. Rumor has it she is suspending her campaign come Friday. Obama sent Caroline Kennedy out to find him a suitable VP. Someone who could swing a few votes without sharing the lime light I think.
The party shafted Hillary, but I suppose the smart thing would be to bow out ....but she followed party line and voted for the Iraq mess and look where it got her.
I would back her if she went independent with a strong VP.
I understand why she is quitting. The dnc is putting pressure on her to unite the party. I'm still going to write her name in when the general election comes around. I just can't support Obama, he too much of a racist to me. I find a lot of Obama supporters to be rude and if they are well educated why don't they use their brains and be decent to others.
So close? To what? It's OVER! Obama has reached the goal post. There is nothing more she can do. Primaries are over. There are no more states. She lost. Sorry. We need to move on now. The fact that she did not recognize Obama's win last night is a sign that she is out of touch with reality and it's a blessing she will not be the next President.
Why is it an outrage? He's gotten the delegates, and she hasn't. There isn't any point in her continuing, especially when she's losing support from those who previously endorsed her. I don't have anything against her and would have been happy for her to be the nominee, but it's time to face reality. She lost.
She has ZERO options left. If saying she quit is easier to accept, then go ahead. I say she lost and its lights out.
Now she will support Obama like he would have done for her. There is a bigger picture people, not just your personal feelings.
Somebody wins and somebody loses, it is a contest. He had a better campaign than Hillary. Thats the way the cookie crumbles.
Ding, Dong the witch is dead.
She hasn't yet.
I'm astounded at the sexism of the ';progressive'; party that keeps talking as if she has conceded, when she actually hasn't. Like saying it again and again will magically make it true.
At least she knows when to say,'; enough already.';
It's about time. One socialist down, one to go.
it is about time
I've been out all day, I didn't see that... did she?
Who was it that said months ago that he ';promised to run a clean, focused campaign?';?
I guess it is ok to lie when you get extremely desperate. Since his pick of Palin has obviously backfired on him, he needs to do anything possible to win, but to stoop to the levels he has is pathetic.
Also.....who said 3 weeks ago the economy was fundamentally strong...but then.....the next day said we are in crisis.
Does McCain have Alzheimer's?
Who was it that said months ago that he ';promised to run a clean, focused campaign?';?
McCain said he was going to keep it clean and civil. Total BS, obviously.Who was it that said months ago that he ';promised to run a clean, focused campaign?';?
I think they both said that and then Sarah was announced and Obama got scared and started the trash talk. Now it is open season and its going to go on until November 4
You actually believe what ANY politician says?
There's the problem...
Also.....who said 3 weeks ago the economy was fundamentally strong...but then.....the next day said we are in crisis.
Does McCain have Alzheimer's?
Who was it that said months ago that he ';promised to run a clean, focused campaign?';?
McCain said he was going to keep it clean and civil. Total BS, obviously.Who was it that said months ago that he ';promised to run a clean, focused campaign?';?
I think they both said that and then Sarah was announced and Obama got scared and started the trash talk. Now it is open season and its going to go on until November 4
You actually believe what ANY politician says?
There's the problem...
How do you like Nike's latest advertising campaign on soccer - Play beuatiful?
if you mean beautiful.. then i love it .. that's what the soccer team i play for is all about =) not every game is necessarily about winning .. its to please the people watching it .. come on, no one likes winning 14-0 .. the audience would much rather see a team who is well put together and can move the ball and themselves fluidly .. not just one team scoring over and over .. it's also more entertaining to play when you play fluidly compared to haphazardly booting the ball around!How do you like Nike's latest advertising campaign on soccer - Play beuatiful?
the advertising was good.The message was clear.The clip was perfect.But using Eric Cantona as the host was BAD.He was so popular with his flying kick and it shows how badly he behave in the field,yet the orgarniser place him in the front figure.
the advertising was good.The message was clear.The clip was perfect.But using Eric Cantona as the host was BAD.He was so popular with his flying kick and it shows how badly he behave in the field,yet the orgarniser place him in the front figure.
Why did McCain continue to support Bush after Bush smeared him in the 2004 campaign?
Because he knew he had to in order to gain the support of the GOP. I have lost a lot of respect for McCain. What a Maverick.Why did McCain continue to support Bush after Bush smeared him in the 2004 campaign?
McCain didn't run in 2004...
Good oneWhy did McCain continue to support Bush after Bush smeared him in the 2004 campaign?
You mean 2000. Who knows?
McCain didn't run in 2004...
Good oneWhy did McCain continue to support Bush after Bush smeared him in the 2004 campaign?
You mean 2000. Who knows?
Does conservatism mean disagreeing with business, anti campaign reform, and increasing the federal deficit?
Radio talk show ';conservatives'; support these notions when speaking of McCain.
McCain introduced immigration reform legislation that business supported
McCain voted against the Bush tax cuts because without correspoinding budget cuts increased the federal budget deficit- which they did.
And finally, McCain co authored a bill introducing Campaign finance reform which was, and still is, needed
How in the world are these positions anti conservative?Does conservatism mean disagreeing with business, anti campaign reform, and increasing the federal deficit?
McCain is willing to work with democrats, which conservatives hate. I respect him for that. We need more of it to get things done.Does conservatism mean disagreeing with business, anti campaign reform, and increasing the federal deficit?
You are deluding yourself. Mr. McCain is not conservative. He is way too liberal. His name is on lots of really bad legislation. I am a conservative. I won't vote for Mr. McCain.
The claims in your first question are wrong. The immigration bill was amnesty. It was bad for the country. Allowing illegals into the country is wrong. It is against the law. Conservatives believe the borders should be controlled, illegals sent home, and only legal aliens be allowed in the country.
McCain was wrong about tax cuts. The economy has flourished under Mr. Bush. Deficits are caused by too much spending. No matter how much tax money the IRS brings in, Congress manages to spend more. Conservatives believe in less government and less government spending.
Campaign finance reform would be a joke if it were not a travesty. It is clearly contrary to the First Amendment, by stopping people from saying what they want to say, when they want to say it. It obviously has no effect on campaign spending. Look at how much has been spent already, and we are not even close to the general election. Conservatives value free speech. This law should be called the ';Get John McCain Re-elected'; law because it strongly favors incumbents.
Abortion is the spoiler, as are other religious based political notions. McCain is a man of the people. Conservatives of today want a man of the church going people. All other considerations of leadership ability pale to this desire to have the Bible rule above the constitution.
Conservatives do NOT disagree with business interests, they represent those interests first and foremost.
i call a question like this rubberband theory, because it takes a bit of stretching and twisting to come to your conclusions,
a) its anti illegal immigration and what it stands for are business underpaying illegal immigrants instead of paying an American employee a competitive wage,
b) the bush tax cuts pulled America out of the popped .com bubble that was on the verge of recession, and it worked, so he was wrong, the deficit is war related not internal revenue related
c) McCain/finegold has legislation that violates the first amendment to our constitution, yes i agree we need a solution to special interest money, funding political campaigns, but not in a way that violates the first and most important law of our land, freedom of speech
now all that said, im not hell bent on squashing McCain, i think if everyone really wants bipartisan solutions from Washington, he is the best choice on all sides of the isle, but conservatives so have legitimate arguments against the guy
But you see we are tired of the liberal lie that we are pro business to our own detriment, the bill was basically a democrat bill. We disliked the same attribute in Bush and have said many times he was the lessor of two evils. McCain is even worse and in my book is not a lessor evil.
It was McCain's job on spending to insure that it was kept low. Presidents do not write spending bills Senators do. He failed in the job he had and is far from fit for the job he seeks.
The campaign finance reform was a joke why would I vote for a man that would limit my free speech while allowing corporate news/media say anything they want?
Or not pass it as has been the case for how many years?
McCain introduced immigration reform legislation that business supported
McCain voted against the Bush tax cuts because without correspoinding budget cuts increased the federal budget deficit- which they did.
And finally, McCain co authored a bill introducing Campaign finance reform which was, and still is, needed
How in the world are these positions anti conservative?Does conservatism mean disagreeing with business, anti campaign reform, and increasing the federal deficit?
McCain is willing to work with democrats, which conservatives hate. I respect him for that. We need more of it to get things done.Does conservatism mean disagreeing with business, anti campaign reform, and increasing the federal deficit?
You are deluding yourself. Mr. McCain is not conservative. He is way too liberal. His name is on lots of really bad legislation. I am a conservative. I won't vote for Mr. McCain.
The claims in your first question are wrong. The immigration bill was amnesty. It was bad for the country. Allowing illegals into the country is wrong. It is against the law. Conservatives believe the borders should be controlled, illegals sent home, and only legal aliens be allowed in the country.
McCain was wrong about tax cuts. The economy has flourished under Mr. Bush. Deficits are caused by too much spending. No matter how much tax money the IRS brings in, Congress manages to spend more. Conservatives believe in less government and less government spending.
Campaign finance reform would be a joke if it were not a travesty. It is clearly contrary to the First Amendment, by stopping people from saying what they want to say, when they want to say it. It obviously has no effect on campaign spending. Look at how much has been spent already, and we are not even close to the general election. Conservatives value free speech. This law should be called the ';Get John McCain Re-elected'; law because it strongly favors incumbents.
Abortion is the spoiler, as are other religious based political notions. McCain is a man of the people. Conservatives of today want a man of the church going people. All other considerations of leadership ability pale to this desire to have the Bible rule above the constitution.
Conservatives do NOT disagree with business interests, they represent those interests first and foremost.
i call a question like this rubberband theory, because it takes a bit of stretching and twisting to come to your conclusions,
a) its anti illegal immigration and what it stands for are business underpaying illegal immigrants instead of paying an American employee a competitive wage,
b) the bush tax cuts pulled America out of the popped .com bubble that was on the verge of recession, and it worked, so he was wrong, the deficit is war related not internal revenue related
c) McCain/finegold has legislation that violates the first amendment to our constitution, yes i agree we need a solution to special interest money, funding political campaigns, but not in a way that violates the first and most important law of our land, freedom of speech
now all that said, im not hell bent on squashing McCain, i think if everyone really wants bipartisan solutions from Washington, he is the best choice on all sides of the isle, but conservatives so have legitimate arguments against the guy
But you see we are tired of the liberal lie that we are pro business to our own detriment, the bill was basically a democrat bill. We disliked the same attribute in Bush and have said many times he was the lessor of two evils. McCain is even worse and in my book is not a lessor evil.
It was McCain's job on spending to insure that it was kept low. Presidents do not write spending bills Senators do. He failed in the job he had and is far from fit for the job he seeks.
The campaign finance reform was a joke why would I vote for a man that would limit my free speech while allowing corporate news/media say anything they want?
Or not pass it as has been the case for how many years?
How much levels are there in the campaign of call of duty world at war and gears of war 2 on xbox 360?
well in gow2 there are 5 acts and each act has 5 chapters in it
by estimating i say it takes about 20 hours to beat the game and i am sorry about cod world at war i dont have it and i dont want to lieHow much levels are there in the campaign of call of duty world at war and gears of war 2 on xbox 360?
i got the ps3 and there r like 12 to 16 levels... but if ur tryin to get nazi zombie then just go to easy mode and run through the level
by estimating i say it takes about 20 hours to beat the game and i am sorry about cod world at war i dont have it and i dont want to lieHow much levels are there in the campaign of call of duty world at war and gears of war 2 on xbox 360?
i got the ps3 and there r like 12 to 16 levels... but if ur tryin to get nazi zombie then just go to easy mode and run through the level
WHO Do You Like For '08 Presidential Campaign?
I'm getting excited that the 2008 elections are getting closer and that Bush finalyy will have to go! Who do you like, either party, for our next President And name at least 3 reasons why?WHO Do You Like For '08 Presidential Campaign?
Anybody but Billary Clinton.
1. 8 years under her loser husband, Slick Willy, was enough
2. She's anti-2nd Amendment
3. She's a thief (see wikipedia under ';Whitewater';)
I could go on, but I think you get the idea. I'd vote for Bucky the Dancing Mule before I'd vote for her.WHO Do You Like For '08 Presidential Campaign?
Rice and Powell, 100% Black ,100% American, A Smart Woman and smart man, 100 % Republican, Experience!
I鈥檓 going to vote for Bucky the Dancing Mule also鈥?br>
1: Because b9teamchief is鈥?br>
2: Because its not Hillary Clinton
3: Because I think a mule is better then any humon;鈥?/a>
McCain Experience in politics, Military exp. (he has been a POW) Very well rounded that most people like
Right now I'll have to go with McCain, he's the only candidate with support from from people from both parties, He's the only serious contender with real military experience and he knows how things work in Washington,,,,,,, an experienced politician with broadbase appeal that knows what a war really is, just what this country needs. And I'm a democrat, by the way. Hillary or Obama will divide this country worse than Bush has.Ultrasonic Cleaner
Anybody but Billary Clinton.
1. 8 years under her loser husband, Slick Willy, was enough
2. She's anti-2nd Amendment
3. She's a thief (see wikipedia under ';Whitewater';)
I could go on, but I think you get the idea. I'd vote for Bucky the Dancing Mule before I'd vote for her.WHO Do You Like For '08 Presidential Campaign?
Rice and Powell, 100% Black ,100% American, A Smart Woman and smart man, 100 % Republican, Experience!
I鈥檓 going to vote for Bucky the Dancing Mule also鈥?br>
1: Because b9teamchief is鈥?br>
2: Because its not Hillary Clinton
3: Because I think a mule is better then any humon;鈥?/a>
McCain Experience in politics, Military exp. (he has been a POW) Very well rounded that most people like
Right now I'll have to go with McCain, he's the only candidate with support from from people from both parties, He's the only serious contender with real military experience and he knows how things work in Washington,,,,,,, an experienced politician with broadbase appeal that knows what a war really is, just what this country needs. And I'm a democrat, by the way. Hillary or Obama will divide this country worse than Bush has.
What are the seven factors that have contributed to the rise of the ';permanent campaign';?
42% approval ratingsWhat are the seven factors that have contributed to the rise of the ';permanent campaign';?
Progressives are pro communist and so is the media and hollywood.
If you don't think we already communist, check out the website belowWhat are the seven factors that have contributed to the rise of the ';permanent campaign';?
I can name two:
- Clinton
- 0bama
1-7: Partisanship.
Party trumps Country.
Progressives are pro communist and so is the media and hollywood.
If you don't think we already communist, check out the website belowWhat are the seven factors that have contributed to the rise of the ';permanent campaign';?
I can name two:
- Clinton
- 0bama
1-7: Partisanship.
Party trumps Country.
When obama was in florida during his campaign of lies he promised us he would save our jobs at the 45 air?
space wing where the shuttle launches.sense them the programs funding has been reduced lots of jobs lost and now were looking at loosing between 4500 and 6500 good paying jobs in 2010.did he forget his promise or was he just outright telling us lies.i was there and heard his exact words .When obama was in florida during his campaign of lies he promised us he would save our jobs at the 45 air?
He either has severe Alzheimers or he's a lying weasel.
I personally go with the lying weasel explanation............When obama was in florida during his campaign of lies he promised us he would save our jobs at the 45 air?
Obama's approval rating is dropping faster every day. He is a lying sack. We are supposed to have more troops going to Afghanistan or people will die and he sits on his hands for his political agenda. He can't make the call. Conan Obrien must not have been joking when he said, oh shoot this job is really frigging hard. lol . WTF Nobel peace prize nominated just days after he was sworn in?
10.2 percent unemployment. Just released numbers. The recession is over for everyone except the unemployed and the working.
Not sure I understand this question, but if it is against Obama, I am ok with it
Look at it this way. If he really said that (and I could find nothing on the internet to indicate he did) we taxpayers are going to save a lot of money. We should think about our country first.
He has broken most, if not all of his promises hasn't he ?
He either has severe Alzheimers or he's a lying weasel.
I personally go with the lying weasel explanation............When obama was in florida during his campaign of lies he promised us he would save our jobs at the 45 air?
Obama's approval rating is dropping faster every day. He is a lying sack. We are supposed to have more troops going to Afghanistan or people will die and he sits on his hands for his political agenda. He can't make the call. Conan Obrien must not have been joking when he said, oh shoot this job is really frigging hard. lol . WTF Nobel peace prize nominated just days after he was sworn in?
10.2 percent unemployment. Just released numbers. The recession is over for everyone except the unemployed and the working.
Not sure I understand this question, but if it is against Obama, I am ok with it
Look at it this way. If he really said that (and I could find nothing on the internet to indicate he did) we taxpayers are going to save a lot of money. We should think about our country first.
He has broken most, if not all of his promises hasn't he ?
Can a non-citizen (permanent resident ) make campaign donation to Presidential election? is there limitation?
I made e-donation to one of the candidates campaign: which was $25; but the transaction turned out to be $1000 due to probable error on the internet. I tried to contact the concerned offices and the bank; however, the campaign office didn't contact me, but preferred to send the transaction copy to the bank. I didn't want to donate that much money; and I do not have that much money- in fact my account is overdrawn! please tell me whom shall I report this case.Can a non-citizen (permanent resident ) make campaign donation to Presidential election? is there limitation?
Legal permanent residents can make campaign contributions. You need to work this out with the campaign and your bank.
Legal permanent residents can make campaign contributions. You need to work this out with the campaign and your bank.
Should Hillary Cliton auction off her Senate seat to pay down her ginormous campaign debt?
probably not. her husband probably had enough foresight to manage his money, considering we had a zero deficit during his 8 years in office.
wish i could say that for dub-ya.Should Hillary Cliton auction off her Senate seat to pay down her ginormous campaign debt?
Sure, why not.
who cares.Should Hillary Cliton auction off her Senate seat to pay down her ginormous campaign debt?
Oh I don't know. I don't have any opinions about anything, I just don't want to be homeless anymore. Okay?
Nope. She should dance on the pole at truckstop nudie bars.
LOL! you have made my day! no but to save money she could always put hubby in there..that'll run over really well
wish i could say that for dub-ya.Should Hillary Cliton auction off her Senate seat to pay down her ginormous campaign debt?
Sure, why not.
who cares.Should Hillary Cliton auction off her Senate seat to pay down her ginormous campaign debt?
Oh I don't know. I don't have any opinions about anything, I just don't want to be homeless anymore. Okay?
Nope. She should dance on the pole at truckstop nudie bars.
LOL! you have made my day! no but to save money she could always put hubby in there..that'll run over really well
How can you help me asap ??? steps by details to arrange an Advertising campaign !!?
Please I need the steps by details to arrange an Advertising campaign and marketing plan to a new and big Gold jewelry company..
(need a slogan and logo - Trade name starting by D -)
Note : there is many small companies in our market but only on big competitor.. How can you help me asap ??? steps by details to arrange an Advertising campaign !!?
I usually use a structured marketing approach whenever I begin a marketing plan for any company. I learnt this methodology at McGill University, Montreal. Please bear in mind that the advertising plan is part of the overall marketing plan and should never be confused with the sales plan or the PR plan, etc... I am assuming that you are referring to a retail jewellery store which will make its main category as Business-to-Consumers. If this is not the case then everything that follows becomes meaningless.
Step1. Begin the marketing Plan using the steps outlined in Marketing 101 Basics. This includes gathering research about demographics, target markets, primary, secondary and tertiary markets, etc... This gives you your long term plan, eg. year 1 primary markets, year 2 secondary markets, year 3 tertiary...
Step 2. Determine your target markets that you plan to reach
Step 3. Select the media distribution plan, for example, specific groups by age, income, buying habits, gender, etc... and the best way to reach them, eg. direct mail through a verified mailing list, or community newspapers, television, online,...
Step 4. The research in the marketing plan will determine the type of creative for your advertising campaign, eg. high income consumers vs low income, etc... Then take your directive to the creative director who will come up with a logo and slogan - that is , if you are in an advertising agency. If you are freelancing then contract 3 creative people that you know to come up each with 10 logos and slogans - at a rate of 3 hours at $60.00/hour - this will give you 30 logos and slogans from the creative pool for $540.00. Compare this to the lowest selling price of $2000.00 for creative plus buyout for ownership of the creative (intellectual property) for another $3000.00 . The logo and slogan that your client selects you make that creativive genuis the creative director of that specific advertising campaign.
Step 5. Create and produce the advertisement(s), purchase the necessary media formats ( agency discounts on media is a standard 15% - however, you should negotiate as much discounts as possible).
Step 6. Run the advertisements and follow-up the results.
WARNINGS: Results are tricky when reporting to the client - remember that all sales, telephone calls, walk-ins, online inquiries, and referrals based on that specific ad campaign reflects the true results. The client will give you final sales which will include refunds and clients not buying. Non-sales customers are largely due to poor customer service. Be very wary of customer service - everyone boasts of it and no one really have it. I believe that it is a non-existent concept.
My main tool for an ad campaign is based on the equation
DV+Q=W, where DV is the distinctive value of the product/service/store, Q represents the audience and W is wealth.
Keeping the variables in harmony results in success.
Hope this helps.
D.R. Ramsundar
(need a slogan and logo - Trade name starting by D -)
Note : there is many small companies in our market but only on big competitor.. How can you help me asap ??? steps by details to arrange an Advertising campaign !!?
I usually use a structured marketing approach whenever I begin a marketing plan for any company. I learnt this methodology at McGill University, Montreal. Please bear in mind that the advertising plan is part of the overall marketing plan and should never be confused with the sales plan or the PR plan, etc... I am assuming that you are referring to a retail jewellery store which will make its main category as Business-to-Consumers. If this is not the case then everything that follows becomes meaningless.
Step1. Begin the marketing Plan using the steps outlined in Marketing 101 Basics. This includes gathering research about demographics, target markets, primary, secondary and tertiary markets, etc... This gives you your long term plan, eg. year 1 primary markets, year 2 secondary markets, year 3 tertiary...
Step 2. Determine your target markets that you plan to reach
Step 3. Select the media distribution plan, for example, specific groups by age, income, buying habits, gender, etc... and the best way to reach them, eg. direct mail through a verified mailing list, or community newspapers, television, online,...
Step 4. The research in the marketing plan will determine the type of creative for your advertising campaign, eg. high income consumers vs low income, etc... Then take your directive to the creative director who will come up with a logo and slogan - that is , if you are in an advertising agency. If you are freelancing then contract 3 creative people that you know to come up each with 10 logos and slogans - at a rate of 3 hours at $60.00/hour - this will give you 30 logos and slogans from the creative pool for $540.00. Compare this to the lowest selling price of $2000.00 for creative plus buyout for ownership of the creative (intellectual property) for another $3000.00 . The logo and slogan that your client selects you make that creativive genuis the creative director of that specific advertising campaign.
Step 5. Create and produce the advertisement(s), purchase the necessary media formats ( agency discounts on media is a standard 15% - however, you should negotiate as much discounts as possible).
Step 6. Run the advertisements and follow-up the results.
WARNINGS: Results are tricky when reporting to the client - remember that all sales, telephone calls, walk-ins, online inquiries, and referrals based on that specific ad campaign reflects the true results. The client will give you final sales which will include refunds and clients not buying. Non-sales customers are largely due to poor customer service. Be very wary of customer service - everyone boasts of it and no one really have it. I believe that it is a non-existent concept.
My main tool for an ad campaign is based on the equation
DV+Q=W, where DV is the distinctive value of the product/service/store, Q represents the audience and W is wealth.
Keeping the variables in harmony results in success.
Hope this helps.
D.R. Ramsundar
Did anyone find Hillary's first campaign message offensive?
I mean, she actually said that the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan were invisible to the President. What planet does she live on? They might be nothing to her, but our troops KNOW that they matter to their President.
It sounded like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.Did anyone find Hillary's first campaign message offensive?
Sharing the same air with that woman is offensive.Did anyone find Hillary's first campaign message offensive?
The terrorists are invisible. The only way to beat them at their own game is to be invisible too.
No, but President Bush and you 30%ers sure did.
I am not a Hillary supporter, but I have to say... she just meant that in her observation, the president does not care enough about the troops. How do you know our troops KNOW they matter to our president? I'm sure many troops would disagree with you.
Try not to be so one-sided... I hate Hillary and even I can see her point.
How many years did it take to actually get the troops decent body armor and equipment? The President didn't put a whole lot of effort into that. When the President goes to get funding from Congress he's more interested in paying off Halliburton and Blackwater than helping the troops. When Congress tried to pass a bill to make troops get some time off between tours Bush threatened to veto it. The only thing that matters to the president is how much he can abuse the troops and how much he can use them for political gain.
Enjoying the media driven roller coaster ? I`m not.....Those jack asses.......and they are playing on our non-thinking friends......That`s why America is 50/50.
I find every word she utters to be offensive to all that is honest and true. I am not trying to be mean, I just honestly feel this way.
I hate to agree or defend that wench but she might be right. There are troops that are being prosecuted for doing their jobs and Bush is looking the other way. Either that or he doesn't know about the prosecution which means he shouldn't be commander-in-chief. Since he's not stopping it, he might as well be jailing the troops himself.
Not that Hillary would treat the military any better, she'd throw them all in prison if she had the opportunity.
whatever it is, she has the right to say it and its the result of whatever she means to what she says that will affect her campaign.
certainly, but beyond that im sure that i and many others find HILLARY IN GENERAL offensive to taste and common sense as well.
If the president actually cared for our troops, he wouldn't make our troops continuously overstay their tours of duty back to Iraq without the proper equipment they needed. And that's not even including our veterans from Iraq who don't get the care they need after serving! Watch these videos from Hillary Clinton and then you'll know why she said that.
No, because the claimm that what she said meant that ';the president'; in general did not ';see'; the troops is simply oe more lie spread by the right-wing. When Hillary said that, she was very clear: the troops are invisible to BUSH. She was pointing out his utter lack of any consideration for their lives or welfare. You realy should try reading something besides the right-wing propaganda--thos epeople put dishonest lies out like tha tall the time. It simply shows they, too, lack not anonly any regard for the troops, but also for our country. Think about it--repeating such lies makes you look jsut as dishonest and unpatriotic as any of the right-wing supporters of Bush's policies.
The President's approval rating among the troops is only insignificantly higher than it is with the general public. In short, most of them will be happy when he's gone.medium length hair
It sounded like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.Did anyone find Hillary's first campaign message offensive?
Sharing the same air with that woman is offensive.Did anyone find Hillary's first campaign message offensive?
The terrorists are invisible. The only way to beat them at their own game is to be invisible too.
No, but President Bush and you 30%ers sure did.
I am not a Hillary supporter, but I have to say... she just meant that in her observation, the president does not care enough about the troops. How do you know our troops KNOW they matter to our president? I'm sure many troops would disagree with you.
Try not to be so one-sided... I hate Hillary and even I can see her point.
How many years did it take to actually get the troops decent body armor and equipment? The President didn't put a whole lot of effort into that. When the President goes to get funding from Congress he's more interested in paying off Halliburton and Blackwater than helping the troops. When Congress tried to pass a bill to make troops get some time off between tours Bush threatened to veto it. The only thing that matters to the president is how much he can abuse the troops and how much he can use them for political gain.
Enjoying the media driven roller coaster ? I`m not.....Those jack asses.......and they are playing on our non-thinking friends......That`s why America is 50/50.
I find every word she utters to be offensive to all that is honest and true. I am not trying to be mean, I just honestly feel this way.
I hate to agree or defend that wench but she might be right. There are troops that are being prosecuted for doing their jobs and Bush is looking the other way. Either that or he doesn't know about the prosecution which means he shouldn't be commander-in-chief. Since he's not stopping it, he might as well be jailing the troops himself.
Not that Hillary would treat the military any better, she'd throw them all in prison if she had the opportunity.
whatever it is, she has the right to say it and its the result of whatever she means to what she says that will affect her campaign.
certainly, but beyond that im sure that i and many others find HILLARY IN GENERAL offensive to taste and common sense as well.
If the president actually cared for our troops, he wouldn't make our troops continuously overstay their tours of duty back to Iraq without the proper equipment they needed. And that's not even including our veterans from Iraq who don't get the care they need after serving! Watch these videos from Hillary Clinton and then you'll know why she said that.
No, because the claimm that what she said meant that ';the president'; in general did not ';see'; the troops is simply oe more lie spread by the right-wing. When Hillary said that, she was very clear: the troops are invisible to BUSH. She was pointing out his utter lack of any consideration for their lives or welfare. You realy should try reading something besides the right-wing propaganda--thos epeople put dishonest lies out like tha tall the time. It simply shows they, too, lack not anonly any regard for the troops, but also for our country. Think about it--repeating such lies makes you look jsut as dishonest and unpatriotic as any of the right-wing supporters of Bush's policies.
The President's approval rating among the troops is only insignificantly higher than it is with the general public. In short, most of them will be happy when he's gone.
Does McCain discredit himself by making his over-the-top campaign promise of balancing the budget in 1 year?
Is he kidding? Is that ';straight talk'; with the American people? Is McCain showing himself to be a dishonest politician who is willing to say anything to get elected?Does McCain discredit himself by making his over-the-top campaign promise of balancing the budget in 1 year?
Replace 'McCain' with 'B Hussein Obama' and I agree.Does McCain discredit himself by making his over-the-top campaign promise of balancing the budget in 1 year?
McCain said before he does not know about economics, well its is obvious to me that is not all he is not informed or knowledgeable about!!!
He is out of touch or pretending to be like Bush by making statements that ';economy is good'; and he has voted 95% with Bush,
If he thinks Bush did such a bad job, he think he did a bad job too, or at least his voting record did not reflect that he disagreed with Bush. Now, he is criticizing him!!!
He must be criticizing his choice of votes to agree with Bush ,95% of the time, does not sound logical to me. Just a lie, just delussional, just what people want to hear that is it, or he is saying that he made bad choices 95% of the time and now he will fix it!!!! His hair is white, not ....
Maybe he intends to eleminate all the retirement benfits to his congressional friends and elilminate all the secret service protection for presidents and families, and in the future, that would really reduce some big spending, or maybe cut their expense accounts!!!!!! The money for ending the war is not a credit when it is not spent!!!!!!
Presidents do not have to be economists...that is why they have economists working for them.
The report, if you dig deeper and read more than the first three lines is that his economic staff can lay the groundwork to get budget balanced in his first year in office...not balance the thing.
Didn't the great Liberal Savior Bubba Clinton promise the very same thing..and all of you, if you were old enough to vote bought it hook line and sinker...problem with his promise is that he did some crafty financing and robbed Peter to pay Paul to put us in the mess we are in today.
anyone could balance the budget in a year - it's just spending the money well that is the tricky part
if one immediately ended all military funding the budget would be balanced within a couple months easily
but that would probably be as bad an idea as most of what the GOP's budget plans likely are
McCain really said he would balance the budget within his first term. Interestingly enough, he has given no details about his plans--other than the proverbial magic wand. Besides the wand, he would have to eliminate every federal program and stop Bush's Iraq fiasco (3 trillion would definitely help).
In one year? It's going to take him that long to learn about the economy. You know...that subject he admitted he knows nothing about. His whole campaign is laughable. I enjoy waiting to see what bat**it crazy thing he is going to say next.
Is that the BS McCain is spewing now. It took Bush 8 years to give a 6 trillion dollar debt and he thinks he can balance it in one year. LOL, that could never happen. In fact the only way we could ever make money is if...oh yeah, if we had some taxes.
Politicians will say anything they think stupid Americans want to swallow to get elected. That includes the fresh and new Obama. The issue illiterate and Obama cultists are the most susceptible.
He is just reinforcing the fact that he has a very poor understanding of mathematics and the Federal budget.
McCain and Obama go over the top with pandering. This is a prime example.
sure eliminate the pork
last i knew it was 1 term not 1 year
Replace 'McCain' with 'B Hussein Obama' and I agree.Does McCain discredit himself by making his over-the-top campaign promise of balancing the budget in 1 year?
McCain said before he does not know about economics, well its is obvious to me that is not all he is not informed or knowledgeable about!!!
He is out of touch or pretending to be like Bush by making statements that ';economy is good'; and he has voted 95% with Bush,
If he thinks Bush did such a bad job, he think he did a bad job too, or at least his voting record did not reflect that he disagreed with Bush. Now, he is criticizing him!!!
He must be criticizing his choice of votes to agree with Bush ,95% of the time, does not sound logical to me. Just a lie, just delussional, just what people want to hear that is it, or he is saying that he made bad choices 95% of the time and now he will fix it!!!! His hair is white, not ....
Maybe he intends to eleminate all the retirement benfits to his congressional friends and elilminate all the secret service protection for presidents and families, and in the future, that would really reduce some big spending, or maybe cut their expense accounts!!!!!! The money for ending the war is not a credit when it is not spent!!!!!!
Presidents do not have to be economists...that is why they have economists working for them.
The report, if you dig deeper and read more than the first three lines is that his economic staff can lay the groundwork to get budget balanced in his first year in office...not balance the thing.
Didn't the great Liberal Savior Bubba Clinton promise the very same thing..and all of you, if you were old enough to vote bought it hook line and sinker...problem with his promise is that he did some crafty financing and robbed Peter to pay Paul to put us in the mess we are in today.
anyone could balance the budget in a year - it's just spending the money well that is the tricky part
if one immediately ended all military funding the budget would be balanced within a couple months easily
but that would probably be as bad an idea as most of what the GOP's budget plans likely are
McCain really said he would balance the budget within his first term. Interestingly enough, he has given no details about his plans--other than the proverbial magic wand. Besides the wand, he would have to eliminate every federal program and stop Bush's Iraq fiasco (3 trillion would definitely help).
In one year? It's going to take him that long to learn about the economy. You know...that subject he admitted he knows nothing about. His whole campaign is laughable. I enjoy waiting to see what bat**it crazy thing he is going to say next.
Is that the BS McCain is spewing now. It took Bush 8 years to give a 6 trillion dollar debt and he thinks he can balance it in one year. LOL, that could never happen. In fact the only way we could ever make money is if...oh yeah, if we had some taxes.
Politicians will say anything they think stupid Americans want to swallow to get elected. That includes the fresh and new Obama. The issue illiterate and Obama cultists are the most susceptible.
He is just reinforcing the fact that he has a very poor understanding of mathematics and the Federal budget.
McCain and Obama go over the top with pandering. This is a prime example.
sure eliminate the pork
last i knew it was 1 term not 1 year
What do you think of Lou Dobbs anti-Obama campaign?
CNN's Lou Dobbs went from Immigrants to Obama. I guess integrity is trumped by ratings?What do you think of Lou Dobbs anti-Obama campaign?
I agree--he's going on the ranting route just like Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh. What IS in the air these days?What do you think of Lou Dobbs anti-Obama campaign?
He's only showing his true colors. He's basically a conservative even though most people seem to think he's a liberal due to his criticisms of corporate greed and outsourcing.
People that are damming Obama are only doing it because Obama is damming America like his old pastor Jeremiah Wright.
The vast majority of people in the liberal media are pro Obama. Even if it were the other way around your question would still contain a slanderous accusation.
I agree--he's going on the ranting route just like Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh. What IS in the air these days?What do you think of Lou Dobbs anti-Obama campaign?
He's only showing his true colors. He's basically a conservative even though most people seem to think he's a liberal due to his criticisms of corporate greed and outsourcing.
People that are damming Obama are only doing it because Obama is damming America like his old pastor Jeremiah Wright.
The vast majority of people in the liberal media are pro Obama. Even if it were the other way around your question would still contain a slanderous accusation.
What is the most prevelant issue for you this campaign season, the reason you are voting for your chosen one?
National Security, Economy, and the development of a new
way to do business in this country.
John McCain 08What is the most prevelant issue for you this campaign season, the reason you are voting for your chosen one?
The lesser of two evils = McCain, He will do the least damage to the economy and may actually help national security... As much as he isnt my #1 choice for president, he is certainly the #1 choice of the current optionsWhat is the most prevelant issue for you this campaign season, the reason you are voting for your chosen one?
My ';chosen one';, you must have me confused with an Obamanation. I'm voting based on economy, national security, and the Iraq war. I'm convinced McCain will handle all three of those issues much better than Obama.
Socialism is incredibly important for america right now. Unless you are part of the top 5% of the population in net wealth, you're crazy to vote republican.
The economy and women's rights (not necessarily reproductive rights) are the most prevalent issues for me.
The ECONOMY. I will vote for Sen. OBAMA because he has the BEST plan for taxation and energy, while Sen. McSame just can't quite figure out what all the uproar is about.
I vote character not issue, so clearly John McCain is my choice.
The economy #1
Wake Up politicians......we need HELP! Not promises......
economy and security Obama offers the LEAST of either!
economy and America's freedom
way to do business in this country.
John McCain 08What is the most prevelant issue for you this campaign season, the reason you are voting for your chosen one?
The lesser of two evils = McCain, He will do the least damage to the economy and may actually help national security... As much as he isnt my #1 choice for president, he is certainly the #1 choice of the current optionsWhat is the most prevelant issue for you this campaign season, the reason you are voting for your chosen one?
My ';chosen one';, you must have me confused with an Obamanation. I'm voting based on economy, national security, and the Iraq war. I'm convinced McCain will handle all three of those issues much better than Obama.
Socialism is incredibly important for america right now. Unless you are part of the top 5% of the population in net wealth, you're crazy to vote republican.
The economy and women's rights (not necessarily reproductive rights) are the most prevalent issues for me.
The ECONOMY. I will vote for Sen. OBAMA because he has the BEST plan for taxation and energy, while Sen. McSame just can't quite figure out what all the uproar is about.
I vote character not issue, so clearly John McCain is my choice.
The economy #1
Wake Up politicians......we need HELP! Not promises......
economy and security Obama offers the LEAST of either!
economy and America's freedom
Who else thinks that Obama should condemn his own campaign worker who called Sarah Palin a nazi?
Obama you better step up!!Who else thinks that Obama should condemn his own campaign worker who called Sarah Palin a nazi?
Like that will ever happen. It's a bunch of B.S , I agree, but asking one of those jerks for an apology will be like waiting for hell to freeze over. Then again , Obama may show some balls %26amp; say something, but it will be a token %26amp; shallow appeasement only. Since we're all for law %26amp; order, I suppose we're all nazis in their eyes - All this slander will bounce right off Sarah Palin because she's tough %26amp; won't back off. Screw that campaign worker - Who is he , anyway?Who else thinks that Obama should condemn his own campaign worker who called Sarah Palin a nazi?
Obama doesnt have the time to deal with everyone, basically, everyone is responsible for their own actions. he doesnt have the time to run back and fourth trying to correct other peoples racist and anti gov't ideas. EVERYONE IN THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY DOESNT SPEACK FOR OBAMAAA!! THAT GOES THE SAME FOR MCCAIN. neither of them hav the time to correct everyone who speaks ill intent.
Palin may or may not be a nazi, but just by looking at the way she does, she seems to be a evil person, just by the look in her eyes.
I actually have lost faith in all the politicians in this campaign. the demos were bashing each other let alone thier righful opponents the reps. so who can really rightfully say they can condemn anything. he is just as guilty as that worker, just as guilty as clinton, just as guilty as mccain. it's not really the person to blame, but the whole cuthroat game of politic-ing.
I can not find a link to anything like you claim.
I did find this quote from Pat Buchanon though;
Buchanan himself told MSNBC's Chris Matthews last week that Palin ';was a brigadier in 1996 as was her husband ... They were at a fundraiser for me, she's a terrific gal, she's a rebel reformer.';
Buchanan has been labeled as a Nazi sypathizer by many Jewish groups.
';Jewish US Congressman Robert Wexler criticized McCain's Friday announecement of his choice, saying that it is an insult to Jews.';
';Buchanan is a nazi and defends Hitler yimach shemo. Case closed.
Case closed. No matter what Alaskan ';Jewish officials'; tell us. The ';Jewish officials'; can take their words about 'good relations with Jewish community'; and shove them.
This also proves that the ';Republican Jewish Coalition'; is nothing more than a group of phonies. A sham. Republican propagandists who just happen to be Jewish, but anything Republican party will be blindly supported and comes before anything Jewish. Just like anything Democratic will be followed by the Jewish ';democratic'; coalition above anything Jewish. Both sides are the same, and both give Jewish a backseat to US political party affiliation and loyalty. Hashem is not included in their equations....';
';Buchanan has stated that Palin did indeed support him, but it is not clear whether she supported him for his domestic agenda or his foreign policy, which included stridently anti-Israel views.';
The McCain campaign is denying any support for Buchanan but it seems unlikely Buchanan would lie about something like this.
If someone said that, I'm sure that Obama will reject it (and probably fire the person for saying it). The public will see what Palin is. I see Obama pulling ahead by at least 20 points after the GOP convention is over.
No class from the Obama campaign and I bet you that the Obama campaign is behind the Sarah Palin's daughter thing and the Sarah Palin social security thing.
Who cares. An election year is basically a bunch of monkeys slinging poop at each other. The one with the most poop on them at the ends loses the election and America keeps going down the crapper.
She's not a Nazi, but she's a scary witch with a capital B.
That being said, he should keep his campaign workers in line. Being ugly about it doesn't help his campaign.
There is nothing to apologize for. It is not attacking her family and the McCain campaign has been doing far worse for months now.
I think he shouldn't only condemn his campaign worker, but his campaign.
unlike Mccain who fights his own party when they screw up Obama is in lock step with his and will never do a thing like that....and that is why we need TRUE bi-partisan Mccain!
I think McCain ruined his campaign by picking Sarah Palin as VP..
He probably should but it might be a free speech issue. It depends in the context it was said.
I think Fascists and Nazi's are similar in many ways!
Obama should condemn this IF this happened.....but where's your source???
If she didn't want to be called that, perhaps she shouldn't have worn a Pat Buchanan pin.
He didn't say it, and since the repubs lie so much, I'm not sure if his campaign worker said it either.
He's already made it clear that such persons will be fired immediately
You're nothing but propaganda. You don't even have a source.
Source???? Link????
I do!
Give us a link.
If it's accurate - there is nothing to apologize for.
Like that will ever happen. It's a bunch of B.S , I agree, but asking one of those jerks for an apology will be like waiting for hell to freeze over. Then again , Obama may show some balls %26amp; say something, but it will be a token %26amp; shallow appeasement only. Since we're all for law %26amp; order, I suppose we're all nazis in their eyes - All this slander will bounce right off Sarah Palin because she's tough %26amp; won't back off. Screw that campaign worker - Who is he , anyway?Who else thinks that Obama should condemn his own campaign worker who called Sarah Palin a nazi?
Obama doesnt have the time to deal with everyone, basically, everyone is responsible for their own actions. he doesnt have the time to run back and fourth trying to correct other peoples racist and anti gov't ideas. EVERYONE IN THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY DOESNT SPEACK FOR OBAMAAA!! THAT GOES THE SAME FOR MCCAIN. neither of them hav the time to correct everyone who speaks ill intent.
Palin may or may not be a nazi, but just by looking at the way she does, she seems to be a evil person, just by the look in her eyes.
I actually have lost faith in all the politicians in this campaign. the demos were bashing each other let alone thier righful opponents the reps. so who can really rightfully say they can condemn anything. he is just as guilty as that worker, just as guilty as clinton, just as guilty as mccain. it's not really the person to blame, but the whole cuthroat game of politic-ing.
I can not find a link to anything like you claim.
I did find this quote from Pat Buchanon though;
Buchanan himself told MSNBC's Chris Matthews last week that Palin ';was a brigadier in 1996 as was her husband ... They were at a fundraiser for me, she's a terrific gal, she's a rebel reformer.';
Buchanan has been labeled as a Nazi sypathizer by many Jewish groups.
';Jewish US Congressman Robert Wexler criticized McCain's Friday announecement of his choice, saying that it is an insult to Jews.';
';Buchanan is a nazi and defends Hitler yimach shemo. Case closed.
Case closed. No matter what Alaskan ';Jewish officials'; tell us. The ';Jewish officials'; can take their words about 'good relations with Jewish community'; and shove them.
This also proves that the ';Republican Jewish Coalition'; is nothing more than a group of phonies. A sham. Republican propagandists who just happen to be Jewish, but anything Republican party will be blindly supported and comes before anything Jewish. Just like anything Democratic will be followed by the Jewish ';democratic'; coalition above anything Jewish. Both sides are the same, and both give Jewish a backseat to US political party affiliation and loyalty. Hashem is not included in their equations....';
';Buchanan has stated that Palin did indeed support him, but it is not clear whether she supported him for his domestic agenda or his foreign policy, which included stridently anti-Israel views.';
The McCain campaign is denying any support for Buchanan but it seems unlikely Buchanan would lie about something like this.
If someone said that, I'm sure that Obama will reject it (and probably fire the person for saying it). The public will see what Palin is. I see Obama pulling ahead by at least 20 points after the GOP convention is over.
No class from the Obama campaign and I bet you that the Obama campaign is behind the Sarah Palin's daughter thing and the Sarah Palin social security thing.
Who cares. An election year is basically a bunch of monkeys slinging poop at each other. The one with the most poop on them at the ends loses the election and America keeps going down the crapper.
She's not a Nazi, but she's a scary witch with a capital B.
That being said, he should keep his campaign workers in line. Being ugly about it doesn't help his campaign.
There is nothing to apologize for. It is not attacking her family and the McCain campaign has been doing far worse for months now.
I think he shouldn't only condemn his campaign worker, but his campaign.
unlike Mccain who fights his own party when they screw up Obama is in lock step with his and will never do a thing like that....and that is why we need TRUE bi-partisan Mccain!
I think McCain ruined his campaign by picking Sarah Palin as VP..
He probably should but it might be a free speech issue. It depends in the context it was said.
I think Fascists and Nazi's are similar in many ways!
Obama should condemn this IF this happened.....but where's your source???
If she didn't want to be called that, perhaps she shouldn't have worn a Pat Buchanan pin.
He didn't say it, and since the repubs lie so much, I'm not sure if his campaign worker said it either.
He's already made it clear that such persons will be fired immediately
You're nothing but propaganda. You don't even have a source.
Source???? Link????
I do!
Give us a link.
If it's accurate - there is nothing to apologize for.
What role do i play to make obesity awareness campaign a success?
this is my school's add maths project,What role do i play to make obesity awareness campaign a success?
wow that's a weird be honest i can't really thing of anything- you can't like tell people ';you're obese it's unhealthy'; or pull candy bars out of fat kid's hands. people know they're obese. you should pull the 'politically correct' card right back at the school administration, since political correctness is their favorite slogan.
wow that's a weird be honest i can't really thing of anything- you can't like tell people ';you're obese it's unhealthy'; or pull candy bars out of fat kid's hands. people know they're obese. you should pull the 'politically correct' card right back at the school administration, since political correctness is their favorite slogan.
What were the promises Obama made during his Senatorial Campaign and which ones has he acted on/fulfilled?
Well, I'm from Illinois. That's a good question.
I'm still thinking.
Let's see, there's ... uhhhh ..hmmm
Can't think of a thing he's done for the people of Illinois. Was there a yearly wage hike as promised?鈥?/a>
Obama Memory Lapse?
Rezko Trial Testimony Contradicts Past Obama Statements
April 16, 2008鈥?
The testimony of the federal government's star witness in the trial of indicted political fixer Tony Rezko appears to contradict Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's past statements that he does not recall meeting Iraqi-born billionaire, Nadhmi Auchi.
Obama's name resurfaced this week after Chicago businessman Stuart Levine testified that Obama and his wife Michelle attended an April 2004 reception in honor of Auchi at Rezko's house.
Levine pleaded guilty to charges that he conspired with Rezko to defraud the state of millions of dollars in kickback schemes.
The Obama campaign has maintained that Obama had no recollection of meeting Auchi ';at any time or occasion,'; but today a Chicago Sun Times columnist reports that a source claims Obama had not only attended the April 2004 event but also ';made a few toasts.';
Auchi was convicted in 2003 of fraud charges in France and was reportedly barred from re-entry into the United States in 2005. Auchi is appealing the French conviction, and his sentence was suspened pending the appeal.
2003 Debate: Obama, if elected Senator, promised to raise minimum wage every single year.
2003 Debate: Obama, you once said you understand why senators voted for the Iraq war, admitted that you were ';not privy to Senate intelligence reports,'; that it ';was a tough question and a tough call'; for the senators, and that you ';didn't know'; how you would have voted had you been in the Senate. And over a year after the war began, you said, ';There's not much of a difference between my position and George Bush's position at this stage.'; How, then, can you say that you consistently opposed the war from the start?
2003 Debate: Obama, the church you attend, according to its Web site, pursues an Afrocentric agenda. Your church rejects, as part of their ';Black Value System,'; ';middleclassness'; as ';classic methodology'; of white ';captors'; to ';control 鈥?subjugated'; black ';captives.'; Your pastor, Jeremiah Wright, recently called the Nation of Islam's Minister Louis Farrakhan 鈥?a man many consider anti-Semitic 鈥?a person of ';integrity and honesty.'; What would happen to a Republican candidate who attended a Caucasian-centric church, and who praised David Duke as a man of ';integrity and honesty';?
Here are McCain's promises if elected:鈥?/a>
Here are Obama's promises if elected:鈥?/a>What were the promises Obama made during his Senatorial Campaign and which ones has he acted on/fulfilled?
';Change'; from Business as usual and putting the people 1st and unifying the masses no matter the party Race Gender or income status! Sticks to the issues and ignores the Prejudices of ignorant people!
Obama/Biden 2008!
Ebony %26amp; Ivory Presidency!What were the promises Obama made during his Senatorial Campaign and which ones has he acted on/fulfilled?
I don't have to know any of the promises to answer that. He hasn't fulfilled any of them because he hasn't done anything. (Unless he promised to send pork barrell money back home maybe)
His campaign for senate?? LOL, baby, he was spirited into Illinois. There was no campaign. He suddenly appeared...and then went on Oprah. This is the truth.
Touche.medium length hair
I'm still thinking.
Let's see, there's ... uhhhh ..hmmm
Can't think of a thing he's done for the people of Illinois. Was there a yearly wage hike as promised?鈥?/a>
Obama Memory Lapse?
Rezko Trial Testimony Contradicts Past Obama Statements
April 16, 2008鈥?
The testimony of the federal government's star witness in the trial of indicted political fixer Tony Rezko appears to contradict Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's past statements that he does not recall meeting Iraqi-born billionaire, Nadhmi Auchi.
Obama's name resurfaced this week after Chicago businessman Stuart Levine testified that Obama and his wife Michelle attended an April 2004 reception in honor of Auchi at Rezko's house.
Levine pleaded guilty to charges that he conspired with Rezko to defraud the state of millions of dollars in kickback schemes.
The Obama campaign has maintained that Obama had no recollection of meeting Auchi ';at any time or occasion,'; but today a Chicago Sun Times columnist reports that a source claims Obama had not only attended the April 2004 event but also ';made a few toasts.';
Auchi was convicted in 2003 of fraud charges in France and was reportedly barred from re-entry into the United States in 2005. Auchi is appealing the French conviction, and his sentence was suspened pending the appeal.
2003 Debate: Obama, if elected Senator, promised to raise minimum wage every single year.
2003 Debate: Obama, you once said you understand why senators voted for the Iraq war, admitted that you were ';not privy to Senate intelligence reports,'; that it ';was a tough question and a tough call'; for the senators, and that you ';didn't know'; how you would have voted had you been in the Senate. And over a year after the war began, you said, ';There's not much of a difference between my position and George Bush's position at this stage.'; How, then, can you say that you consistently opposed the war from the start?
2003 Debate: Obama, the church you attend, according to its Web site, pursues an Afrocentric agenda. Your church rejects, as part of their ';Black Value System,'; ';middleclassness'; as ';classic methodology'; of white ';captors'; to ';control 鈥?subjugated'; black ';captives.'; Your pastor, Jeremiah Wright, recently called the Nation of Islam's Minister Louis Farrakhan 鈥?a man many consider anti-Semitic 鈥?a person of ';integrity and honesty.'; What would happen to a Republican candidate who attended a Caucasian-centric church, and who praised David Duke as a man of ';integrity and honesty';?
Here are McCain's promises if elected:鈥?/a>
Here are Obama's promises if elected:鈥?/a>What were the promises Obama made during his Senatorial Campaign and which ones has he acted on/fulfilled?
';Change'; from Business as usual and putting the people 1st and unifying the masses no matter the party Race Gender or income status! Sticks to the issues and ignores the Prejudices of ignorant people!
Obama/Biden 2008!
Ebony %26amp; Ivory Presidency!What were the promises Obama made during his Senatorial Campaign and which ones has he acted on/fulfilled?
I don't have to know any of the promises to answer that. He hasn't fulfilled any of them because he hasn't done anything. (Unless he promised to send pork barrell money back home maybe)
His campaign for senate?? LOL, baby, he was spirited into Illinois. There was no campaign. He suddenly appeared...and then went on Oprah. This is the truth.
Bill Clintons former campaign chief endorses Obama?
Whats this going to do for Hillary?Bill Clintons former campaign chief endorses Obama?
He knows where the smart money is going. Not only that, but he know the Clinton's very well, and knows they are both full of $hit... good chance to stop being associated with those two clowns. I just hope he does not end in the Clinton list --
1-James McDougal - Clinton's convicted Whitewater partner died of an
apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key
witness in Ken Starr's investigation.
2 -Mary Mahoney - A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a
Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown . The murder happened just after she
was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.
3- Vince Foster - Former White House counselor and colleague of Hillary
Clinton at Little Rock's Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the
head, ruled a suicide.
4- Ron Brown - Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to
have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the
investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown's skull
resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being
investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with
prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days
later the air Traffic controller committed suicide.
5- C. Victor Raiser II- Raiser, a major player in the Clinton fund
raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992
6-Paul Tulley - Democratic National Committee Political Director found
dead in a hotel room in Little Rock , September 1992. Described by
Clinton as a ';Dear friend and trusted advisor';.
7-Ed Willey - Clinton fund raiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the
woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey
died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped
her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in
several Clinton fund raising events.
8-Jerry Parks -Head of Clinton's gubernatorial security team in Little
Rock. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little
Rock. Park's son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton. He
allegedly threatened to reveal this information.
After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his
9-James Bunch - Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had
a ';Black Book'; of people which contained names of influential people who
visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas
10-James Wilson - Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging
suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater.
11-Kathy Ferguson- Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found
dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was
ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if
she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with
Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Kathy Ferguson was a possible
corroborating witness for Paula Jones.
12-Bill Shelton - Arkansas State Trooper and fiance of Kathy Ferguson.
Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiance, he was found dead in June,
1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his
13-Gandy Baugh - Attorney for Clinton's friend Dan Lassater, died by
jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a
convicted drug distributor.
14-Florence Martin - Accountant %26amp; sub-contractor for the CIA, was related
to the Barry Seal Mena Airport drug smuggling case. He died of three
gunshot wounds.
15- Suzanne Coleman - Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was
Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the
head, ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.
16-Paula Grober - Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978
until her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.
17-Danny Casolaro - Investigative reporter. Investigating Mena Airport
and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists,
apparently, in the middle of his investigation.
18- Paul Wilcher - Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with
Casolaro and the 1980 ';October Surprise'; was found dead on a toilet June
22, 1993 in his Washington DC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet
Reno 3 weeks before his death.
19-Jon Parnell Walker - Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust
Corp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington , Virginia apartment balcony
August 15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty scandal.
20-Barbara Wise - Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron
Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her
bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of
21-Charles Meissner -Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang
special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane
22-Dr. Stanley Heard - Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care
Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane
crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton's advisory council
personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather and brother.
23-Barry Seal -Drug running pilot out of Mena Arkansas , death was no
24-Johnny Lawhorn Jr. - Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton
in the trunk of a car left at his
repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.
25-Stanley Huggins - Investigated Madison Guaranty. His death was a
purported suicide and his report was never released.
26- Hershell Friday - Attorney and Clinton fund raiser died March 1, 1994
when his plane exploded.
27-Kevin Ives %26amp; Don Henry - Known as ';The boys on the track'; case.
Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport
drug operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said,
due to falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys
had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case
died before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.
28-Keith Coney - Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a
truck, 7/88.
29-Keith McMaskle - Died stabbed 113 times, Nov, 1988
30-Gregory Collins - Died from a gunshot wound January 1989.
31-Jeff Rhodes - He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump
in April 1989.
33-James Milan - Found decapitated. However, the Coroner ruled his death
was due to ';natural causes';.
34-Jordan Kettleson - Was found shot to death in the front seat of his
pickup truck in June 1990.
35-Richard Winters - A suspect in the Ives / Henry deaths. He was killed
in a set-up robbery July 1989.
36 -Major William S. Barkley Jr.
37-Captain Scott J . Reynolds
38-Sgt. Brian Hanley
39-Sgt. Tim Sabel
40-Major General William Robertson
41-Col. William Densberger
42-Col. Robert Kelly
43-Spec. Gary Rhodes
44-Steve Willis
45-Robert Williams
46-Conway LeBleu
47-Todd McKeehanBill Clintons former campaign chief endorses Obama?
I think the Clintons are really surprised to find out that people really don't like them after all.
They thought they could do whatever they wanted and continue to be beloved.
People have realized in hindsight that he should have been impeached, they aren't very nice, and we don't care about them anymore.
That's right !
Yeahhhhhhhhhhh Booooooooooyyyy !!
Obama 08 !!
Everybody knows the Clintons are corrupt!
do re me fa so la ti dohhhhhhhhhhhhh!
doh ti la so fa me re dohhhhhhhhhhhhh!
((Thats the fat lady practicing))
Send her and her monkey minions into a seizure fit?
As Bill Clinton's former campaign chief, he would know the Clintons very well
I would say THAT is most likely why he would endorse someone else
Makes you think, huh?
The wheels are falling off the Clinton campaign.
One large nail into Hillary's coffin.
He knows where the smart money is going. Not only that, but he know the Clinton's very well, and knows they are both full of $hit... good chance to stop being associated with those two clowns. I just hope he does not end in the Clinton list --
1-James McDougal - Clinton's convicted Whitewater partner died of an
apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key
witness in Ken Starr's investigation.
2 -Mary Mahoney - A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a
Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown . The murder happened just after she
was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.
3- Vince Foster - Former White House counselor and colleague of Hillary
Clinton at Little Rock's Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the
head, ruled a suicide.
4- Ron Brown - Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to
have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the
investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown's skull
resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being
investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with
prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days
later the air Traffic controller committed suicide.
5- C. Victor Raiser II- Raiser, a major player in the Clinton fund
raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992
6-Paul Tulley - Democratic National Committee Political Director found
dead in a hotel room in Little Rock , September 1992. Described by
Clinton as a ';Dear friend and trusted advisor';.
7-Ed Willey - Clinton fund raiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the
woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey
died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped
her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in
several Clinton fund raising events.
8-Jerry Parks -Head of Clinton's gubernatorial security team in Little
Rock. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little
Rock. Park's son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton. He
allegedly threatened to reveal this information.
After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his
9-James Bunch - Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had
a ';Black Book'; of people which contained names of influential people who
visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas
10-James Wilson - Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging
suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater.
11-Kathy Ferguson- Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found
dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was
ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if
she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with
Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Kathy Ferguson was a possible
corroborating witness for Paula Jones.
12-Bill Shelton - Arkansas State Trooper and fiance of Kathy Ferguson.
Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiance, he was found dead in June,
1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his
13-Gandy Baugh - Attorney for Clinton's friend Dan Lassater, died by
jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a
convicted drug distributor.
14-Florence Martin - Accountant %26amp; sub-contractor for the CIA, was related
to the Barry Seal Mena Airport drug smuggling case. He died of three
gunshot wounds.
15- Suzanne Coleman - Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was
Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the
head, ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.
16-Paula Grober - Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978
until her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.
17-Danny Casolaro - Investigative reporter. Investigating Mena Airport
and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists,
apparently, in the middle of his investigation.
18- Paul Wilcher - Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with
Casolaro and the 1980 ';October Surprise'; was found dead on a toilet June
22, 1993 in his Washington DC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet
Reno 3 weeks before his death.
19-Jon Parnell Walker - Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust
Corp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington , Virginia apartment balcony
August 15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty scandal.
20-Barbara Wise - Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron
Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her
bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of
21-Charles Meissner -Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang
special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane
22-Dr. Stanley Heard - Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care
Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane
crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton's advisory council
personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather and brother.
23-Barry Seal -Drug running pilot out of Mena Arkansas , death was no
24-Johnny Lawhorn Jr. - Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton
in the trunk of a car left at his
repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.
25-Stanley Huggins - Investigated Madison Guaranty. His death was a
purported suicide and his report was never released.
26- Hershell Friday - Attorney and Clinton fund raiser died March 1, 1994
when his plane exploded.
27-Kevin Ives %26amp; Don Henry - Known as ';The boys on the track'; case.
Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport
drug operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said,
due to falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys
had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case
died before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.
28-Keith Coney - Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a
truck, 7/88.
29-Keith McMaskle - Died stabbed 113 times, Nov, 1988
30-Gregory Collins - Died from a gunshot wound January 1989.
31-Jeff Rhodes - He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump
in April 1989.
33-James Milan - Found decapitated. However, the Coroner ruled his death
was due to ';natural causes';.
34-Jordan Kettleson - Was found shot to death in the front seat of his
pickup truck in June 1990.
35-Richard Winters - A suspect in the Ives / Henry deaths. He was killed
in a set-up robbery July 1989.
36 -Major William S. Barkley Jr.
37-Captain Scott J . Reynolds
38-Sgt. Brian Hanley
39-Sgt. Tim Sabel
40-Major General William Robertson
41-Col. William Densberger
42-Col. Robert Kelly
43-Spec. Gary Rhodes
44-Steve Willis
45-Robert Williams
46-Conway LeBleu
47-Todd McKeehanBill Clintons former campaign chief endorses Obama?
I think the Clintons are really surprised to find out that people really don't like them after all.
They thought they could do whatever they wanted and continue to be beloved.
People have realized in hindsight that he should have been impeached, they aren't very nice, and we don't care about them anymore.
That's right !
Yeahhhhhhhhhhh Booooooooooyyyy !!
Obama 08 !!
Everybody knows the Clintons are corrupt!
do re me fa so la ti dohhhhhhhhhhhhh!
doh ti la so fa me re dohhhhhhhhhhhhh!
((Thats the fat lady practicing))
Send her and her monkey minions into a seizure fit?
As Bill Clinton's former campaign chief, he would know the Clintons very well
I would say THAT is most likely why he would endorse someone else
Makes you think, huh?
The wheels are falling off the Clinton campaign.
One large nail into Hillary's coffin.
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