Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why does the McCain campaign think Americans are pathetic Whiners?

because these republicans wanna skirt responsibilityWhy does the McCain campaign think Americans are pathetic Whiners?
Americans are a spoiled lot and are arrogant, we whine if someone is not politically correct and feel offended, besides McCain did not say that a staff member did. If Barrack';s Rev can say negative things about America and it';s white people and O. Barrack denounces it on the bias T.V.and other things and get away with it then what comparison is it of someone saying whiners and the other hating America and it';s white people?Why does the McCain campaign think Americans are pathetic Whiners?
Because we are and i agree with him and i still support him and will vote for him. By the way McCain did not say it.

We are, look at all the politically correctness we live under, we are not even free to speak our minds openly anymore by fear of somebody feeling disrespected or outraged by ones remarks. How is that freedom of speech going for you? We have taken everything for granted, freedom, rights, economy, development, energy ... life itself. We have become selfish arrogant and self centered and when something of a disaster happen instead of taking the safe easy solution we ask to be treated like kings and queens.

We have been spoiled and now that things are getting tough ... we whine.

Welcome to America.
Its true, I think its time we all sat back and looked at ourselves as a whole and realized that all we do is complain and want instant gratification. 50 years ago if you asked a kid what they wanted to be they would say a scientist or a doctor, now its I wanna be a rapper or be on some reality TV show or the next big dancer. its rediculous. Mediocracy has become the norm and by not demanding more of ourselves we have allowed every problem our coutry has to sprial out of control. Buts its ok, vote Obama and he will take care of you, every single one of you.
The same reason he goes to new Orleans and screams never again and then there is a photo of him and Bush celebrating his birthday next to Air force one on the very day McSame claims bush should have been in new Orleans.

To the guy below me I would like to see do the same comparasion with the price of gas. Even if you are employed paying four times as much for everything pretty much makes you very poor even after working 50 hours a week. Yeah keep playing that old shell game it will take you very far.
its not mccain, its graham. if you ever follwed the career of phil graham, you would know what kind of person he is. his comments should not have surprised anyone. he always gave the impression of ';i am smart, you are not';. he fancies himself a know it all. typical politician.
Actually his TOP economic adviser is the one that said it - but who knows how Gramm's mind functions.

But since he has been buddy-buddy with McBush for over 25 years - one can assume John Sidney shares his views.
5.5% unemployment under Clinton = GREAT

5.5% unemployment under Bush = SUX

Wrong! Only the pathetic whiners are pathetic whiners! Get my drift son?
because they are? I fullly belive the average american is a whiner... you are even whining about them calling you a whiner!
Because some American's are whiners. McCain didn't say it, Gramm did, and I agree with him...
If you read ten percent of the questions on here you wouldn't even have to ask.
Graham said that not McCain please come up with soemthing better
When the republicans lose they blame it on the American people.

Obama 08
quit whining

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