Friday, February 12, 2010

Does McCain discredit himself by making his over-the-top campaign promise of balancing the budget in 1 year?

Is he kidding? Is that ';straight talk'; with the American people? Is McCain showing himself to be a dishonest politician who is willing to say anything to get elected?Does McCain discredit himself by making his over-the-top campaign promise of balancing the budget in 1 year?
Replace 'McCain' with 'B Hussein Obama' and I agree.Does McCain discredit himself by making his over-the-top campaign promise of balancing the budget in 1 year?
McCain said before he does not know about economics, well its is obvious to me that is not all he is not informed or knowledgeable about!!!

He is out of touch or pretending to be like Bush by making statements that ';economy is good'; and he has voted 95% with Bush,

If he thinks Bush did such a bad job, he think he did a bad job too, or at least his voting record did not reflect that he disagreed with Bush. Now, he is criticizing him!!!

He must be criticizing his choice of votes to agree with Bush ,95% of the time, does not sound logical to me. Just a lie, just delussional, just what people want to hear that is it, or he is saying that he made bad choices 95% of the time and now he will fix it!!!! His hair is white, not ....

Maybe he intends to eleminate all the retirement benfits to his congressional friends and elilminate all the secret service protection for presidents and families, and in the future, that would really reduce some big spending, or maybe cut their expense accounts!!!!!! The money for ending the war is not a credit when it is not spent!!!!!!
Presidents do not have to be economists...that is why they have economists working for them.

The report, if you dig deeper and read more than the first three lines is that his economic staff can lay the groundwork to get budget balanced in his first year in office...not balance the thing.

Didn't the great Liberal Savior Bubba Clinton promise the very same thing..and all of you, if you were old enough to vote bought it hook line and sinker...problem with his promise is that he did some crafty financing and robbed Peter to pay Paul to put us in the mess we are in today.
anyone could balance the budget in a year - it's just spending the money well that is the tricky part

if one immediately ended all military funding the budget would be balanced within a couple months easily

but that would probably be as bad an idea as most of what the GOP's budget plans likely are
McCain really said he would balance the budget within his first term. Interestingly enough, he has given no details about his plans--other than the proverbial magic wand. Besides the wand, he would have to eliminate every federal program and stop Bush's Iraq fiasco (3 trillion would definitely help).
In one year? It's going to take him that long to learn about the economy. You know...that subject he admitted he knows nothing about. His whole campaign is laughable. I enjoy waiting to see what bat**it crazy thing he is going to say next.
Is that the BS McCain is spewing now. It took Bush 8 years to give a 6 trillion dollar debt and he thinks he can balance it in one year. LOL, that could never happen. In fact the only way we could ever make money is if...oh yeah, if we had some taxes.
Politicians will say anything they think stupid Americans want to swallow to get elected. That includes the fresh and new Obama. The issue illiterate and Obama cultists are the most susceptible.
He is just reinforcing the fact that he has a very poor understanding of mathematics and the Federal budget.
McCain and Obama go over the top with pandering. This is a prime example.
sure eliminate the pork
last i knew it was 1 term not 1 year

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