Friday, February 12, 2010

How badly has Geraldine Ferraro hurt the Hillary campaign?

Not at all . . . Personally I think Ferraro was right and I'm glad someone finally said it.How badly has Geraldine Ferraro hurt the Hillary campaign?
It was a shrewd move by Hillary actually. Blacks aren't going to vote for her anyway, so she might as well try to fire up the rest of the party.How badly has Geraldine Ferraro hurt the Hillary campaign?
Geraldine Ferraro is a bitter old bag that her foiled attempt at running for the white house ended in a rout, so she can't deal with the fact that Obama might win the Presidency.
Bad. She told the truth.
I think it was the last nail in the coffin for Hillary regaining any Black voters. Even if she gets the nomination, there are many Blacks who will remember all this and not vote for her in November.

Blacks make up a large percentage of democratic voters. She won't win the White House unless she can win back their support.
I don't know if she hurt the Clintons but she sure made a fool of herself.
Not much at all. This will all blow over in a week when the media finds something else to blow entirely out of proportion.

Besides, she not only made statments about Obama's minority status helping his candidacy, she said the same thing about hillary. And that is why she resigned....she pissed off Hillary.
I think it opened some eyes.
Not at all actually the Obama campaign is hurting itself, people are going to get tired of the old race card after awhile and it will turn a certain voter block against the Obama campaign, not everything related to race is racist just because someone doesn't like it.~
She hasn't.

Hillary's camp exposed Obama playing the race card when he called Ferraro a racist and Hillary had her day in public favoritism when she threw Ferraro under the bus.

The person who was hurt was Ferraro who has become a victim of her own party's policies, namely affirmative action, PC (anti first amendment) politics, and quotas.
It astounds me to see people blame Obama for ';playing the race card'; when it was one of Hillary's top fund raisers who basically said ';he's only here b/c he's black.'; People seem to forget that Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Alan Keyes have all run for President and never got the support that Obama has.

Obama didn't bring this up. Ferraro did. Yet she's trying to blame HIM for playing the race card? I'm a tad confused.

Honestly I don't think this issue hurt Hillary's campaign too much though. She's already shown that her campaign is filled with people who will lie, cheat %26amp; steal to get her the nomination. She's used shady tactics all along. Anybody who hasn't realized it by now, never will.

But it will turn many black voters off to Hillary. If she somehow happened to win the nomination, I would not vote for her. Not because I think she's a racist (I don't), but because she's proven to either be a terrible campaign manager or a very shady and conniving individual. Either way, I do not trust her to run my country.
She hasn't. Hillary has said herself she does not agree with her. By tomorrow you won't hear about Ferraro any more, old news.
Not at all. Those who were supporting the Hill still are. Ferraro spoke the truth and probably helped Hillary.
She hasn't. I think it hurts the Obama campaign considering they were the ones to point it out to the MSM. People are getting tired of the race card being played by his campaign. David Axlerod is a tool.
she helped the campaign. they put her up to it. The plan is to take the debate away from issues...where obama was beating her, and into the arena of pitting whites against blacks and women against men. they themselves have called this the kitchen sink strategy. Unfortunately, it works, at least in the short term. But I am hopeful that americans will open their eyes and see who the good guy is here and who is the bad guy.
Not at all.

The Obama campaign has been using race since day one.

Before the South Carolina primary Obama had a strong hold on 90% of the black vote.

Obama becomes the big loser. He cannot beat McCain with the Africa American vote and white liberal Democrats. Obama needs to win more states than Kerry %26amp; that's not going to happen.

The Democratic primary process of caucuses and proportional voting will result in a McCain victory. I don't like that but that is what Obama will be doing to the party!
It will take some time to see what the fall out is. Or it might just be viewed as another calculation to divide, alienate and conquer. By marginalizing him based on his color, it can be the message they hope will resonate with the lower income, non college educated older white voters that make up the '; Alabama in between'; demographic in PA.

She did not tell the truth. I want to see how you can spin the below as being ';lucky';

He was called names because of his name, because he is bi-racial. He has been smeared with false rumors and innuendos as to his patriotism and his religion. His mother had been on food stamps for short periods of time when he had been a child and raised him as a single mother, while going to Graduate school. He had to be under Secret Service Protection long before anyone else in the race, except for Hillary, because of his race. He has had death threats because of ignorance and has an article which is cited almost daily that he is going to be assassinated. If that is lucky, I would not want any part of it.

Edited to add:

Obama never called Geraldine Ferraro a racist. He just said her comments were absurd.
Hmm... Its hard to say. The Clinton campaign severed ties with her which was smart... but they seemed to take their time doing it.

I don't think that Ferraro is a racist but what she said implied that Obama supporters were naive and that Obama's candidacy was trendy whereas Clinton's campaign support was from well-thought voters. This was a stupid thing to say because it could alienate the base of Obama if he lost the nomination and Hillary won it.

If Obama's supporters see Ferraro's comments as shared by Clinton's thinking then it could do a lot of damage. This is a fragile time for the Democratic party having 2 candidates who apparently don't like each other. If their dislike of each other spill out to their supporters then it will affect voter turn-out for either of them.

Obama's response to it was excellent... he intelligently diffused the perception that Ferraro was a racist. He didn't appear like a victim but he questioned her the logic and irresponsibility of her words. I think it helped Obama more than it hurt Hillary. I think Hillary handled it okay... but time will tell if it will hurt her.
Actually... it's helped because Obama reacted very strong to Ferraro.. then when his preacher gets up and makes all of these horribly racist remarks he just tries to play it down. Makes him look like a hypocrite.
Hardly at all, if at all.

Seems to this supporter of Obama that Ferraro is NOT the same person as Clinton, and what she said is not relevant.
Not at all....that was used as a strategy to poison the minds of the ignorant white voters by driving a wedge between whites and blacks so that white s will feel obligated to over look all the Clinton deceptions and scandals and save poor Hillary from the mean ';N'; words.....Its like the white woman dating the black man.....but yells rape when she sees the KKK coming you'd have to know the ';real'; American history to understand the analogy

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