Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is Ron Paul's age a negative factor in his election campaign?

suppose he becomes ill or gets heart attack then the plans will be stuck halfway %26amp; it will be difficult for a new president to complete the work.Is Ron Paul's age a negative factor in his election campaign?
I would say no.

An overwhelming majority of Presidents have been old.

Ronald Reagan is an example. Old usually means wise and experienced.Is Ron Paul's age a negative factor in his election campaign?
Nope...not at all...

Is Hillary's stupid factor an issue for her? YUP!
I don't think Ron Paul is crazy. I think the people that would support a flat currency and support something like the Federal Reserve (which the Constitution and Thomas Jefferson were extremely against), and support endless interventionalism... that is crazy to me.

Ron Paul, IMO, is the only candidate that makes sense in this race. Besides Tom Tancredo.
I am more worried about his mind. Remember Ronnie?
No - there are plenty of other things that make him unacceptable.
no dont think so he has had a healthy lifestyle for a long time and I am sure he will choose a running mate worthy to replace himself and one who holds the same ideals
no, but it sure doesn't help him
no it is not an issue.
No, You're Hot by the way ;). I'd say he's speaking a language that no one wants to hear. Saw a thing on him this morning, where they showed he was the lone vote on several different issues. And one of them was whether Rosa Parks should get a medal. And he voted no! His answer made sense, that they should give her a medal out of their own pockets instead of having the people pay for it with their tax dollars, but he still voted no. He's got answers like this all over the place one was whether we should of gone to war over the issue of slavery. And he said no, we should have ended slavery like the British did, without bloodshed. He makes sense but his ideas seem kooky to most people i think. Or just maybe people aren't used to hearing them.
Ron Paul is a medical doctor - so Im sure he is doing the right things health wise - also the predicted age of those living in the US is over 80 now. Finally, he has 10 terms in Congress - so he obviously knows the game %26amp; how to deal with its stresses - I wouldnt give it a moments thought .
Not really, I'd rather take an old man, then a dumb man/woman that will lead us in the wrong direction..
I don't think 72 is all that old to be president, as long as he seems sharp, which he does.

You raise an interesting question. Whom would/should he choose for his veep. In fact, think I'll go ask that right now. Be there!
No, but his lack of brains, and his lunacy is.
I am a huge Ron Paul supporter but let me answer like the trolls (Amnesty sucks, sithlord, openthoughts, etc) before they do.

';No, it's the fact that he's a loon that will stop him';

Um, what other childish, anti-intellectual stuff can I come up with?
Yes it is and off topic, God you're cute if that's your real picture.
He's older, but sharp as a tack.

He's not the prettiest, nor does he wear as much make up as Romney....

In truth, I doubt it.

It's brains not age that make an office.

It would be smart for him to pick a very good VP though just in case. LOL

However, Regan was pretty old and there were numerous other old presidents.

Ron Paul 08
His age is the least of his worries. His candidacy is a joke. Less than 2% of the US population even knows who he is
He is already ill.

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