Monday, February 8, 2010

What effect do you think McCain's stance on the Immigration Bill had on his campaign?

McCain's presidential campaign announced yesterday that they were laying people off because of lack of funds. He's got less than $1 million in his war chest. This time 6 months ago he was the Republican front-runner. Do you think he can even be elected senator from Arizona the next time he runs?What effect do you think McCain's stance on the Immigration Bill had on his campaign?
The amnesty bill did him in. If he had not supported, and co-authored this bill he would likely be the nominee. He is a fool. He brought this up in 2006 as well and it was not received well by the would think a person would use their intellect to determine that it would be unwise to bring this up a second and third time.

I am not from Arizona, but if I were I would not vote for him for the Senate re-election either. He has angered many in Arizona so I am not sure he will even try to run again there. Most likely scenario is that he will retire at the end of this term (although he is not a very bright man obviously...and quite who knows).What effect do you think McCain's stance on the Immigration Bill had on his campaign?
I think it has hurt his support, although it was slipping even before the immigration bill.

RON PAUL has already exceeded McCain in Cash on Hand! He's a much better candidate.
Well the illegal aliens will vote for him in big numbers as well as the Dems. Oh wait a minute! Illegals can't vote. And Dems won't vote across party lines. This could be bad!
Same as Hillary and Obama...They are done.....
I was going to vote for him, but the amnesty bill drew me away. It'll be hard for him to get the conservative vote now
He can't be hurting that much for money unless__he has lost a lot of support. I think their should be a limit on how many times a senator can ran, but with his luck, he will still be re-elected. The way I see it, who is goin g to beat him from Arizona? JMO
Yes, he can be re-elected senator because the fact that he is in Arizona and he did for this Immigration Bill.
Whether or not he gets re-elected in Arizona will be up to the people of Arizona. But to this American, I would not vote for him because of his support on the amnesty bill. He has shot himself in the foot and as a republican that will get you a ticket to retirement. Apparently not as many Democrats don't care if we give the country away.

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