Sunday, February 7, 2010

Why are a lot of the Media angry about Rev Wright ';destroying'; Obama's Campaign?

For example I watched Tim Russert and Joe Scarborough both getting angry about Wright and saying he is trying to destroy Barack Obama's chances tto win the nomination.

But isn't Wright just telling people what he thinks? Why don't they want Wright to speak?Why are a lot of the Media angry about Rev Wright ';destroying'; Obama's Campaign?
People are obtuse. They only want to see their own narrow perception of reality. By exposing people Sen. Obama affiliates with, even reveres, it shows the public more and more of the true Obama. Of course, if you spend time cheering for someone, donating money to them, and arguing with others who disagree, then you seem ';wrong'; in trusting them in the first place. People don't like to be wrong...they'd rather be blind.Why are a lot of the Media angry about Rev Wright ';destroying'; Obama's Campaign?
Lol, you know Scarborough tries to be ultra critical of Obama too. Before Wright started speaking out and before Obama made his speech in Philly, Mr. Joe was overly critcal. It's the media that has tried to destroy Obama's campaign. The media is also dictating the direction that Americans think. They kept Obama in the news for good and bad reasons. Wright was speaking what he felt. He was speaking truth.

I'm totally not digging how the media is trying to act so angry that Wright is derailing Obama's campaign. Weren't they guilty of that just a few weeks ago?
Some segments of the media are just getting on the defensive because Wright's little 'campaign' is aimed right at them. They're not angry that he's ruining Obama's campaign because they were doing just that by using the Wright issue themselves. Now that Wright has stepped forward and made it a church issue rather than just a politcal issue, it's going to make it harder for the media to attack him to attack Obama, since it's now going to increasingly put black church-goers on the defensive. And when you are perceived as beginning to attack black tradition rather than a black candidate...welll...let's just say that it becomes a whole new ballgame.

I have to laugh at just how easy it is for ethnic ignorance and stereotypes to take over. Being a black person, it's easier for me to understand the context of Obama's relationship with his pastor. The media painted a picture based on a stereotyped vision of the pastor and his congregation members and it's all led to this. I'm Catholic but, as a child, my grandma would take me to her baptist church often, whenever i spent the weeked there. I saw how politicians and important figures get treated and saw how their presence or absence from the congregation actually has influence on the tone of delivery of the gospel message.

The fact is that pastors court high level officials in the black community because they can make the biggest donations. The second fact is that no pastor will preach politically charged sermons in front of political figures and risk their contributions - the politician always sees a different face from the 'average members' of the church. The Third fact is that pastors only preach politically charged sermons when there is a trigger event, either locally or internationally. It's really a case of 'when the cat's away the mice will play'. But you have to live it to know about it.
A Clinton operative set up Wright to speak at the press luncheon and so the INTENT was for Wright to destroy Obama. The personalities that orchestrated this event believe that the dark shadow of racism will rise up and snatch Obama right off the podium, but Obama will not get snagged in this, if he can help it.

Wright can say whatever he wants, but he knows he is playing politics while slamming Obama as ';a politician.';

We'll see how it all plays out, but I wouldn't want to be the DNC and try and salvage the party after the core groups have all been alienated for a could bent, bitter independents.

And... Don't Believe the Hype!
The popular media seems to have adopted Obama as their candidate of choice so they naturally take offense at criticism leveled at him, true or not. I don't think Wright has ';destroyed'; his campaign, just shown some light on an issue that already existed. I wish the whole racial component wasn't such a big part of the issue. It makes discussing it more complicated than it should be.
I think they should let the old lunatic speak on...

I would love for him to destroy Obama, Obama had a easy fix at first, well it is almost over, say goodbye to Obama and get over it! He knows if he wins presidency, he will be in danger anyway at this point.
Do you honestly think that Wright, Sharpton, Jackson and the rest of the usual suspects want Obama to become the president? If he did, they would be out of a job. It is kind of hard to run around all day and try and sell discrimination against blacks when there is a black man in the White House.
I think it's the way he's delivering his message and the tone he's using. A lot of the accusations Wright is making are completely ridiculous who would want to be associated with Wright especially if you're running for president.
I don't feel happy or sad, just vindicated.

Not sure why Tim Russert and Joe Scarborough were angry. Perhaps they don't want to world to recognize that Wright and Obama are different sides of the same racist coin.
Because they can't stand that their ';Golden Boy'; is being seen for what he is and, so, will lose the nomination. Isn't that just too bad?!! Big babies! They're all hypocrites!
When are they going to start discussing REAL ISSUES? When I'm at the gas pump, the last thing on my mind is Rev Wright.
They aren't Angry they love it, because racists will tune into their pathetic news casts.

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